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auto generate TM2 tracks
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fallout says:
Your tracks are basically autogen quality anyway, so this isn't surprising.

That stops here.

On topic:
It's an interesting concept. Any semblance of 'imagination' that a machine can come up with stems instead from a more unexpected random choice from a list of possible next pieces. Of course, together, they would all have to have reasonable flow, which is hit or miss from our standpoint. Scripts will never completely replace human builders (At least not in the lifetime of this game). If anything it would be nice to drive a sort of palette-cleanser. If I was in a building rut, I could spend some time driving generated tracks, which might give me some ideas. Using tracks sections right out of the generated tracks is impure, so I would take them and put my twist on the sections. That's all I would use them for.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
hmmmm = yess = could be quite interewsting for a pit where all players would be faced with tracks that have never been played .. coupled with a rounds format of only one race.. then you would just get one attempt per race...

that would make the drivers more attentive and careful = bit more like real life... as any significant crash would mean the end of their race... methinks this would upset the predominant driver placings and reward careful driving rather than reckless abandon....

like i say = could be reel interesting....

cc aa :)

Learner Driver
Bucky says:
fallout says:
Your tracks are basically autogen quality anyway, so this isn't surprising.

That stops here.

Sooo you're going to teach him how to build like a human?

Play what he uploaded to the usa project and tell me I'm wrong.
Quad Bike Racer
MTC november theme? who can generate the best track? :d
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
This would be very welcome in TMNF. I could add some wallrides into the autogen routine, some platform and the latest transitions and press generate and create a 50 AWARD TRACK!!

Hell, I believe that's what they're doing anyway and I'm the only one who doesn't know it. :p
Moped Racer
Location: BE
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