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auto generate TM2 tracks
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auto generate TM2 tracks  
i just got sent this link to an auto generation tool for TM2 tracks. on a technical standpoint its sweet that something like this can be created but from a community standpoint it raises some pretty big concerns. we could have classic or best of the week tracks which potentially have never seen a human touch. worse im not sure you can differentiate between the human and auto-generated.
what does everyone else think? this a good thing or bad thing.
Old Age Caravanner
The tracks generated are probably damn simple... but no, I don't like the looks of that at all +o(
Moped Racer
Location: US
Thanks for sharing the link.

I haven't tried it yet, but it looks interesting.

In my opinion, the best tracks will always have the human touch. Good track design is a very complex undertaking with so many facets to it. It's not about placing a bunch of random blocks and scenery.

Good track design involves:
- Building
- Test driving
- Refining
and repeating that process over and over.

It involves making sure:
- the track is finishable from every CP.
- jumps and drops are well indicated.
- jumps and drops are calculated properly for the speed gained before them.
- the track has a consistent difficulty throughout.
- the track flows and that the lines are good for hunting.
- the scenery compliments the route.
- the lightmaps compliment the track and help guide the driver.
- signs are placed to keep the route clear.
- new transitions are obvious to every driver because of the way the track flows
- every section of the track is crafted to engage the driver for maximum fun
- a good diversity in track blocks is used

I don't see a script doing most of those things. Maybe in time it could take on some of them.

But I'm not sure I see the purpose of the autogen script. If you can't be bothered to build your own maps, you don't need to autogen them. You can download one of the thousands posted by experienced authors here on MX.

I'm sure it's an interesting technology demonstration, and I still intend to check it out. I'm just skeptical about it having any real practical value.

Edit: I just checked out the ManiaLink and there's a post there that says:

autogenManiaLink says:
So this is the end of maps created by players ?!
Generated tracks will never be as awesome as maps that players spent hours to create and test. But, the map generator enables you to get in a few seconds some maps you are sure nobody has ever played. The plugin can be helpful for map creators too, allowing them to add random terrain or random decoration to a track created manually. Generated tracks can also be a source of inspiration : you can generate one randomly and then modify it manually.

Having read that, I can see it having some value as a starting point for tracks. I'm going to investigate further. :d
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
There is already at least one map on MX created with this tool. But from what the guy says in his track description it can not be played by people who do not have the AutoGen plugin installed. This includes in multiplayer. Obviously I'm not interested in generating tracks myself so it doesn't really matter to me, but if you plan on using it remember not everyone may be able to play your map.

I hope in the future we don't see MX flooded with these maps, i can't imagine they will have great transitions and flow like human made maps, especially expert difficulty ones.
G-kart Racer
New MTC theme? 8-| Just joking of course.

But it looks interesting.
Back in action!
Location: FI
well, I can always count on eyebo to go the extra mile on researching things so I don't have to. :d
With that in mind this sounds cool. But certainly a program smart enough to make human-level tracks would be the end of sites like this.

voodoo says:
There is already at least one map on MX created with this tool. But from what the guy says in his track description it can not be played by people who do not have the AutoGen plugin installed.

This is reassuring too. :p
Moped Racer
Location: US
I generate a 10 minutes track, it locks amazing but to drive it is another story (it tok about 1 minute on normal speed..and i try 15 - 20 sec also and almost all tun out of the shape of an L track. 8-|
But fun to watch when it building the track and try to get out of the traps i make ^^
almost like ai generator must be very smart done.

hope they come with an computer car that drive the track perfect and tell you the limit of the track
it should be possible imo.

i dont think the gen can make jump in a track they look just like a line, a - b no air time :wait:
Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
From nadeo today..
There was a new release about one hour ago. And with this release, I have made a new version of the plugin:
If you have never installed AutoGen, just click on Download all in the manialink page autogen
- If you have already installed AutoGen, write the manialink autogen_download?script=all&map=all instead (overwrite files every time you are asked)

The new maps you will create with AutoGen should be playable by anybody, whether they have installed AutoGen or not. ^^ :d
Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
I'd say that this script would be useful for competitive racing, since you have no clue what you'll get.
Rise from the ashes!
Location: US
This script is fun :d
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Location: SE
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