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Getting discouraged...
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What MrA said
... says:
I call that more of a defeatist statement. Either that or I'm insane because as discouraged as I may get I will still build tracks and upload them, and I won't give up.

I'm not trying to be defeatist. I agree to what you said actually. ;)
What I was trying to say was that if getting awards are your only motivation to build tracks, then what I said. ^^

... says:
Builder or driver you are, the main goal is to reach fame... be famous...

To a certain degree.. sure.. but what if you don't get the attention or fame? There's a reason why you started that game, right? It was enough when you started. So the question is, is it still enough for you? Are you still having fun playing the game even though you seem to get hardly any recognition? Or are just just frustrated? Then you gotta make a decision.

But don't get me wrong, I do understand that people want to get recognition, most anybody likes that. And I'm in the lucky position that I've got recognition by some well known authors early in my trackmaking career and that was of course motivating me to keep going.I would have probably lost interest in this game earlier if I didn't get to know other players and builders, irrespective of getting awards or not.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
Markus... says:
the important thing is that your tracks will be played online" That counts more than hundrets of awards IMO

Can you give us some tips about how to do that ? :p

In six years i only saw two of my tracks online, and these were by far not my best ones. There's something i don't get here. Since TM ² i'm trying to make tracks very easy and with a lot of room for mistake so that they can be played online. Result : never saw it on any server.
Last edited by Virus,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
what do you thin i'll tell you?
A track should be online suitable...no hardcore transistion sh**, no "only the tracker knows how to drive" etc.
I know many Serverhoster, from the past and with tm2 some new i met and will meet on their servers.

Often a hoster looks on MX if tracks are on wich are good for his "styled" server, and often if you're more than once on this servers, they'll ask you if you know some maps for him or even if you build something.
There is no Magic behind...only human conversation.
Nothing to do with begging for upload.

i asked only once if someone could upload my track, that was in the yr. 2007 if i remember it right
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
Well Virus, there's been a couple of players named Virus on tmx but if you're the one I recall then your tracks have always been quite narrow and hard.
You have probably already noticed that many authors have no antenna for the difficulty of their own creations. Because they can drive their own tracks just well (what a surprise) they think that the tracks are easy for everyone (oh what a mistake). You seem to be one of them. You may have had testers who told you your tracks were easy but let me tell you from experience, most testers don't tell the truth and most testers don't really 'test'.

Now once a players name has a certain image it's getting harder to change that.

But here's a hint for you.
Get one or more players together (the more the better) and make up your own server (ingame) with your maps (and other maps of your choice, because eventually you don't have enough own tracks for a server session).
Other people will eventually join and play your tracks.

This has more than one advantage.
1 - People get to play your tracks.
2 - You can have instant feedback
3 - You get in contact with players that will eventually download your tracks and spread the word.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
Thanks, will try this. Though i first have to find how to configure the damn router for the other players to connect :s

And yeah, some of my very first tracks were probably hard to play, but i haven't stop improving this since I'm playing this game. Some of them were very difficult, but that was the purpose since they were platform tracks. Now i'm trying to make the easiest tracks possible cause i know it's way funnier if you can finish a track that you have never played at the first try.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
MrA says:
3) Award and comment on other peoples tracks. You have so far not given out much feedback or recognition but you you complain about not getting any yourself.

This will not result in any "followers", but only in mutual/friendly awards. As in, I award your track, so you try one of mine and award it, and so on. Of course that's how half of the people here (those with boring tracks but lots of name recognition) work. The other half make/made genuinely good tracks and marketed them properly.

MrA says:
4) Don't make tracks names ALL IN CAPS, it looks angry and I probably would avoid these maps.

Also, make them 14 characters long. That's the max before your name gets truncated on MX. If you can add a tag (eg. [MTC]) do so. No numbers. Don't use other languages, even if you want to appear intelligent; English is the world language, any other language seems unambitious.
Moped Racer
Location: BE
No enai, you're wrong. French names are also pretty much used by epic mappers (Cartman, nitroguy) ! :d
Moped Racer
Location: FR
I agree with absolutely nothing of that enai. :p

The friends I've gotten in TM are mostly not like that. I have gotten the impression that if someones tries my track and want to (feel obliged to, because he's my friend?) give feedback. They simply post a comment that they don't like it.

Personally I love getting any feedback. Even a "I don't like this track" is better than nothing to me. Usually you can just ask why they think so though. ;)

And second, foreign names are good! Sure, if you name all your tracks after your native language people will think you only make tracks for people speaking that language. But a name in a foreign language just for fun is just positive and people might even click their way to your trackpage because they want to know what it means. :)
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
By teh way, there isn't any real options to get known. Simply, be active, show you exist, make friends, and so on. I don't mean make friends, to get friends awards. I mean make friends, so that they will more easily test your map, and then maybe like it. ;)
Moped Racer
Location: FR
Or just join a clan, and let your clanmates give the first 10 awards and boost you into the BOTW :d
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NL
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