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Read Post 10:53 AM on 07-May-2020
https://s12.directupload.net/images/200507/6x3ztiy4.jpg nauwkeurig
Read Post 2:53 PM on 06-May-2020
Haven't kept this one up to date, but not many new maps anyway My contribution to the StarTracks Canyon-Campaign 179892 Getting back into mapping after a 6 month break 181116 Getting back into mapping after an almost 4 month long break......
Read Post 7:49 AM on 06-May-2020
Old cockpit: Well desk space? Idea from the fabulous MX irc channel and as I said on there already: My cockpit is way too not geeky :D https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6l8ypqa78qtpnwm/2012-03-31%2018.31.37-2.jpg new cockpit, 8 years...
Read Post 9:27 PM on 05-May-2020
The results are in! https://i.imgur.com/jTX25XR.jpg Nanoursporc coasts into first! :gold: 187714 Awesome track, feels very intuitive to drive and to learn it. - eFFecT The fact that the map isn't just completely fs makes it a lot more inte...
Read Post 3:55 PM on 05-May-2020
1: NewGrounds - build a Track of a style you usually dont build 2: Puzzled - make a Track utilising Blocks from a Template (Checkpoints or normal Elements) 3: Recycling - make a Track that reuses a certain block of your Track multiple times 4: Spe...
Read Post 4:10 PM on 04-May-2020
:done: Voted :done:
Read Post 11:07 AM on 04-May-2020
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EXK5sNFXQAAT5Ig?format=jpg&name=large Map request Rules : - TITLE PACK ESL (Vanilla included ofc) - Lenght : between 55" and 1'05'' - Difficulty : Intermediate - Style : WildStyle/Mix...
Read Post 11:06 AM on 04-May-2020
:build: Hello everyone We need some Tech maps for a future Solo competition on Trackmania 2 (DEADLINE : May 18th 2020) We need some Time attack and some Rounds maps ! Please, Specifiy What you Mapped ! Requirements : - Lenght : 45sec To 50...
Read Post 7:11 PM on 03-May-2020
https://i.imgur.com/rG7SNCQ.jpg April 2020 Public Voting Link: https://forms.gle/eNQdtEm9wdA8M5vz8 This month there's 9 maps! Download them here. In the voting sheet, give your score before your feedback (0 to 10, decimals are allowed). If you...
Read Post 9:25 AM on 03-May-2020
Hey lolarter, you'll need to place in an "Editing Cut" block over the part you want to make a video of. Mark it and click on .AVI and you should be able to render the video. If you have more questions, I'll suggest checking out the #mediatracke...
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