agree, a bit uncomfortable without it.
I'll quote myself.
Just give it a try - 7 days for example. And then judge if it is good or bad.
As far as I can tell, it seems to be fixed now! Except maybe the fact that the track of "metoxys" suddenly disappears of the list, but it was indeed one of the last award, I think... Even if it's not a very big loss ( :P ), that could be problematic...
Hans Holo
I know, that's my problem. It should be done!
Both this topic and the Photo Art topic belong in the General section of the Graphics Forum.
there's no offcial guideline.
Hans Holo
Thx for your post Space, but I would like an official guideline to which everybody can refer to.
it sux then.let's then make a poll on the mainpage (read mexunited's quote in my first post).
Fixed now? :P Ignore any current duplicates (if any). ;)