damn sry
There's still lots of smiles that need to be inserted into the DB. ;)
Ehm, there already is a General section within the Graphics Forum :p
Phoenyx Imperius
I really love the graphics, although I still can't get used to crash damage (I started playing racing games with Lego Racers which didn't have crash damage). Also, the game seems way ahead of its time and bogs down a bit on all but the most powerful...
another request (?): make read/unread icons twice bigger.
e/ made them for you: http://cosmospace.net.ru/p-read.gif http://cosmospace.net.ru/p-unread.gif http://cosmospace.net.ru/p-unread-blue.gif
e2/ if you'll agree, I'll make locked icons too.
Hans Holo
Above the message wouldn't be good for the flow of reading just the posts, you "have" to read them (because you cannot not read). If it would be in a distinct block on the left (or right) you can just ignore the names if you want.
This one doesn't work btw: :'(
And it's even clickable :P