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Friday, July 22, 2016 (3005 days ago)
ID  18216 
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294th / 6012


MX Cumulative

User Comments
My name is Szymon, born in 2000, currently studying Algorythmic IT in Wroclaw.
First contact of mine with Trackmania came in 2015, while watching ZrT Cup #2
After that, I've played TM casually, and picked up the game seriously in late 2016

Mapping has allways been fun for me. When I started out, my only goal was to make a route which I myself would enjoy, and maybe someone else would too. I didn't care about things like scenery, respawnability, round playablility.

Later on I caught up with mapping standards. I've tried, and I'm still trying to perfect my style. Lately I'm experimenting with my style much more than in the past, in order to find my signature styling.

My competitive maps can be distinguished by high focus on the flow, low amount of long jumps, low amount of platforms (tech), wide possibility for tricks (dirt), changing grip control.


• "ESL - Kiszka" [TECH]
My most popular competition maps. Kiszka is quite a wild map, with a demanding, flowing route.

• "404: map not found" [DIRT]
The highlight of this map is the scenery. Unbounded, unlimited, free.

• "GWDC - AtriX" [MIXED]
One of my newer tracks, great mix of dirt and tech, that allows for a lot of improvements. Higlights my latest scenery styling.

• "tmo# Track is the limit" [TECH]
My first map ever picked for a competition. As the name says, your only limit is the track itself. Quick and pushable to the max.

• "tmo# Sealed Ruin " [DIRT]
Combination of huntable and competitive dirt. Punishing and rewarding at the same time.

• "Let it go." [DIRT]
My new approach at scenery, together with an exotic route make this track special.

• "MTC'Boostramm galore" [LOL]
A short, LOL style map, that uses an original concept of boosted Rammsteins. Idea came from my map for a non-serious cup :p


• "τbc ¬ New Era" [DIRT]
A medium-paced dirt map with various, not so popular block combinations.

• "down the river" [VALLEY DIRT]
A full-dirt Valley track, great for practising the offroad aspect of Valley.

• "ノessence" [FULLSPEED]
My try at a competitve fullspeed map. Although not perfect, it is my closest attempt yet. Scenery may make up for it :)

• "shitfest - Mildly Disappointed Birds" [LOL]
A shitfest map (yes). A small, fun concept that imitates Angry Birds gameplay (you "swing" your car with speed control)
User Achievements
7 Achievements 
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Newest Map
Length: 1 m 30 s
WR:   01:26.924
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