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Does it have to be at an 4:3 ratio? Or can it be any ratio as long as its bigger than 800x600?Posts: 365
Any ratio and size you want, I'd thinkPosts: 249
It can be any ratio you want.
ok thanks. I'm having trouble with getting the motion blur to work in the Replay Editor
So I might not be able to enter
Posts: 365 -
I had the same issue. What happened for me though was that I opened up two incompatible replays (which you must do by opening one replay and then loading the other one in the editor), and then I focused the camera on the second, incompatible one I loaded. To fix this, save the camera track as a clip, leave the editor, start by opening up the replay that you want to lock on to, add the other car, and import the camera clip.Posts: 365
I only opened one replay though, but I'll definitely try importing it as a clip.
Good luck guys! I can't wait to see what you come up with
Posts: 365 -
Keep them coming guys! A few more days to submit your entries.
Today is the last day to submit your entries!
DON'T PUSH MEPosts: 249
Posts: 249
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