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Ville says...I was supposed to do something like that, thanks for reminding me!
Days later....
Ville says...I delegated it to a certain person as I'm not a moderator in SMX
If U mean bas, it will take a BIG whilePosts: 149 -
mgafmuat says...
If U mean bas, it will take a BIG while
Haha, don't worrythere will be an announcement on SMX asap. In the meantime... MAKE SOME SCREENS PEOPLE!
So far you will get free planets with no effort at all. Boy am I glad we had the 15 entries limit.
Not so glad that noone makes screenshots though!!! -
I'll really try to make one when I have the time, but I've never been any good at itPosts: 249
will try sthPosts: 184
How did I not see this compo O.o
I'll make something for sure.. also, why are there no entries yet?Posts: 55 -
Love you guys!
It doesn't have to be great, the important thing is that you compete
Can also be a great ad even if it is quite ugly... Creativity!
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