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Windows 3.1 says:
Looks like I better get to work on a new ad-blocker that blocks ads and at the same time clicks them without loading the pages they link to.

This seems like it could get someone in trouble... I'm just not sure who. :p

Seriously though, isn't that fraud?
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
Yes it is. So don't do it.
Deep fried
Location: AU
You dont have to klick ads. Normaly, sites get money per add LOADED, not per add klicked. So anytime your ad blocker prevents a page from loading a add, you are hurting the site.

On the other hand, I hate ads and I have not seen one in months because I have very good ad blockers :d I keep it turned off for some sites that I support ( probably MX will come on that list ), but on 99% of the sites I visit, I browse ad free.

But I find it very strange that we dont have simple functions like editing awards or adding authors to your personal favourites or uploading replays, for which you could probably more or less copy / paste the code from the united TMX site. But on the other hand you are implementing fancy stuff like blogging and advertising. Not exactly where I would have my priorities. Functionality and community service first. Give the people what they are expecting, and then build on that base.

But that's just my opinion.
Last edited by smigles,
Old Age Caravanner
well for ads, i have them running on my p.c to be honest, they everywhere on other web sites so makes no difference to me them running here as well.... :) "can i have a ipad please" lol
Location: GB
You want to tell me that Nadeo / Ubisoft this page, which I regard as the most important for TM², supported in any way ?
Sorry I can not imagine this not real.
It would in my view, has a cheek to this site do not support, because at some point each of the game bought and paid for and appears here as we all know, the game would be worth nothing without this site.
Because I'm assuming, and was that just being true, I did not understand why many things, such as upload the replay to wait so long to turn on.
Last edited by Patriot,
Quad Bike Racer
Nadeo used to support TMX, but one of their affiliates (was it Microsoft?) dropped their advertising deal with Nadeo. They were forced to stop funding community run sites.

I won't even begin to tell you how annoying it is that people complain about the state of the site. Our single coder is working as hard as he can for a volunteer. I suggest showing your behind the scenes volunteers more respect because a volunteer has other, paying jobs he can be doing.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
smigles says:
But I find it very strange that we dont have simple functions like editing awards or adding authors to your personal favourites or uploading replays, for which you could probably more or less copy / paste the code from the united TMX site. But on the other hand you are implementing fancy stuff like blogging and advertising. Not exactly where I would have my priorities. Functionality and community service first. Give the people what they are expecting, and then build on that base.

But that's just my opinion.

The part that I underlined is false. TMX code was made by MrD, and Forzyy is now redoing it (as far as I understood, MrD's code isn't as good as Forza's, performance-wise at least - not entirely sure about this though). Secondly, the LB system will be different from that of TMX, which obviously adds to the coding time. Thirdly, LB and replay upload are one of Forzyy's priorities right now. Blogging comes after the replay system is ready. Blogging and such are not a priority right now. Finally, advertisements are not a 'fancy' thing. We'd be happy to keep MX alive the next year as well, and the server is not free. The ads won't be put up "just for fun". MX needs money to stay alive, that's how the world works. So yes, community service does come first - after all, you'd rather have advertisement here than MX going offline because of the lack of money, right?
Back in action!
Location: FI
You're such a realist. ^_^
Site Leader
Location: US
TMX wasn't made by forza? surprise for me tbh :o
Last edited by Space,
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
I may be wrong but I think forzyy was a kid when tmx was born. ;)
But maybe it would be a nice idea if someone could post an article about tmx history.
I think someone (MrA?) wrote an article before. There could be an extra section for it (maybe a new point in 'Site Help' called 'History' or something)
..wasn't me
Location: DE
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