Hi, it looks like multiple maps on the server are old pre-MP4 versions. The server owner either failed to convert the maps themselves, or grab the latest versions from ManiaExchange.
It's not that the block is gone, but when ManiaPlanet 4 released in 2017, those platform blocks received updates which added clips to the top of the blocks. Playing the map without converting it means the block display incorrectly.
It also means the lightmaps are quite messed up on this (and other maps on the server).
That's why the finish on Fast Valley Mini 1 looks like this on the A.R.Nova server:
...when the version on MX looks like this:
We spent months converting all of the 115,000 maps that were on MX back in 2017, so that issues like this no longer happened, and that people could continue to use old maps.
If you know them, tell the server owner to grab the new versions off of MX.