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Guess the MX user!
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Ohhh. You mean Roar of Time. I have no idea who that relates to though. Someone with roar in their name?

Just did a quick search. zoroark11?

This is grasping at straws.
Moped Racer
Actually I don't, but well thought!

Dialga, the pokémon of time, is on the right track. Now the only thing remaining is to figure out what I'm asking for ... (As I just stated above, the riddle is not supposed to be read as "_____ of Time".)
Moped Racer
Location: SE
I got it! It's the guy who posted two above me.
Moped Racer
Location: US
And we have a winner! (y)

Let's sum up this riddle, shall we?
"broadsword" says:
Game Freak's type of time

  • A search of "Game Freak" on Google reveals that this is the developer of the Pokémon game franchise. We thus have to do with something Pokémon-related.
  • Some more searching uncovers that "Time" apparently represents Dialga, the legendary Pokémon of time, introduced in the fifth (or so) generation.
  • If we look at Dialga's entry on Bulbapedia (the Pokémon Wiki, second link on Google and where we find Dialga in the first Place when looking for "Pokémon" and "time"), we find this:

"Bulbapedia page: Dialga" says:
Dialga (Japanese: ディアルガ Dialga) is a dual-type Steel/Dragon Legendary Pokémon. ...

So Dialga, the Pokémon of time, is apparently of Steel/Dragon type. Now, who could be associated with Steel/Dragon?
What about irondragons?

Well done to all of, and especially Cxom for solving it! Been great fun to follow your progression, including irondragons' attempts at self-discovery ... ;)
Last edited by broadsword,
Moped Racer
Location: SE
Moped Racer
Beetle Racer
Location: FI
Beetle Racer
Location: US
I think you should ask Hylis if you can lend him a hand next time they host again some of their crazy forum games. You just qualified yourself for it with this riddle (y)
Moped Racer
any new clue?
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Here is your new clue
Moped Racer
Location: US
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