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off line
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off line  
Is there some way to run Valley "offline"? I do get a dialog box Connect/Stay Offline but then it asks for a username/password and then you're on line again.I must be confused, I thought if it asks you if you want to stay off line that it means you can play Valley "offline". Anyone has any idea on how to create an account off line using the same key?
Learner Driver
Your key has to be associated with an online account.

Once you've logged in online once with that account... you can then play in offline mode using the same account.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
Still confused about playing Valley offline. When I use my existing profile it never asks if I want to be on line or off line. It just goes online.
When I create a new profile it asks if I want to be off line. I clicked "offline" then made up a new name. Then it asks for login ID and Password. Then it tells me that is already in use by rulz :|
I also tried making a whole separate "offline" account but then it needs a new key. I'm going around and around in circles and I still can't play Valley "offline". :s I would like to know what the procedure is to create an offline account or to get my account to play offline.
Learner Driver
Diconnect your internetconnection ;)
Before starting the game
this will work :)
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
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