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New to mapping, looking for feedbacks
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New to mapping, looking for feedbacks  
Hi !

The title says it all, pretty much. The map is a WIP of a ~45s FS track. A rather easy one, but I hope not boring.

map: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xset9b2qtedxtse/Jack's_ride_FS_v2.Map.Gbx

And since no GPS nor signs yet:

AT replay: http://www.mediafire.com/download/993o8h1aua8tj1m/Jack's_ride_FS_v2_lulero(00'43''50).Replay.Gbx

Some feedbacks on this first map of mine would really be appreciated, thank you!


EDIT: Forgot to mention, it's a TM2 Stadium track
Last edited by Lulero,
Learner Driver
It's not bad for a first track. It's got some nice ideas and it's pretty easy. A few suggestions though:

Remove the part I marked with a red X. It blocks the view for the approach to the loop, and you never drive on that part anyway. Replace part of the wall at the entrance of the loop with a sign pointing left.

Fix this "fake spiral" by removing the top blocks and either leaving it open or placing flat blocks along the top, so people know to chicane around instead of trying to drive up it as if it were a spiral loop.

Add a sign here so we know to go straight instead of continuing to turn left (since you're already turning left when you approach this part... it sometimes feels natural to keep turning left. A sign would help. Get the MX signpack here:

Keep up the great work! I'm sure your track building skills will only increase! :)
Site Leader
Location: US
Thank you a lot eyebo !

I modified the parts you pointed out:

map: http://www.mediafire.com/?omoquofvb1ud7bu

Worthy of an upload here on TMX?

Learner Driver
Much better!

Yeah, I'd say it's worthy of uploading. :)
Site Leader
Location: US
Hi again !

Back with a new map in need of some testing: http://www.mediafire.com/?o1l5yep17v61mal

TM2 Stadium, night mod, FS (although you do have to release gaz a few times).
Length: Less than a minute (my guess is 55s would be a nice time).
Difficulty: not sure if beginner or intermediate, a bit harder than my last for sure

TODO: Some more scenery toward the end maybe, make sure there isn't a cut before the corkscrew, hunting for a challenging AT.

Other thoughts: The starting room is a bit dark, but it shouldn't be a problem. All CPs are respawnable (I'd like to submit it to a round play server). The start might be a bit slow, not sure what to do about that.

Lastly, it was fun for me to build it, is it fun for you to ride it?



Forgot to mention, but I submitted the previous map and it's having a healthy life on a deutch server, thank you so much Eyebo!


Okay let's see what's wrong with this last map:
- Start is too random
- It's no FS as advertised (some corners near both start and finish lines)

While playing a lot on the map I realized both points are pretty importants and should be dealt with.


Not a lot changed but I like it better no doubt, it's also a good 2s shorter. Still not 100% fs, you need to release gaz a bit near the end but it doesn't seem as big as an issue as it was for the start. About that, is it "ok" for an FS map to ask for a bit of gaz release near end? If not, how would you deal with this part? And still, of course, what about the track overall now?
Last edited by Lulero,
Learner Driver
Please fo change the end so It's FS'able. Just add some wallride action or something like that instead.
I would suggest you go away from using that platform to road at high speeds aswell as it's kinda bumpy, unsmooth amd somewhat hard to control. Besides being tight I'd say it's not half bad really.
If you need some more help testing, just send me a PM and if I have time I'll have a look.
Keep trackin :)
Last edited by winter,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NO
Thank you a lot winter!

Here's an updated version: http://www.mediafire.com/download/o0viiki25tzei0d/Takao_FS_v3.Map.Gbx

Now it's FS from start to finish, about 50s long. All CP are respawnable, blablabla

I guess Intermediate difficulty? If it's ok like that, I'll add/rework some sceneries, work on a screenshot and upload it here.


EDIT: Another unrelated question: a friend of mine tried to hunt time on my previous track but he's not allowed to upload it because of a "title" difference. Is it because the game isn't in beta anymore? Does that mean you can't hunt time on stadium tracks that were posted before release? Thanks.
Last edited by Lulero,
Learner Driver
Did you update the track?
Did he hunt online or offline?
I think the replays need to be done offline to be uploaded here for some reason.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NO
winter says:
Did you update the track?
Did he hunt online or offline?
I think the replays need to be done offline to be uploaded here for some reason.

I didn't update the track. He downloaded it, hunted for like 20 minutes and tried to upload the replay right away. No idea what's happening :|
Learner Driver
Then I have no idea, sorry.
Send a PM to one of the admins or ask in the help section of the forums.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NO
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