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just a quicky, i have been searching the forums just to find out about the currency PLANETS. i know you get them when you get a gold,silver or bronze time, but do you still get them when you start up the game once a day as with TMUF and if so how many ? can't find anything specific on other forums.
Learner Driver
Yes, you get 20 each day.
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
Old Age Caravanner
many thanks. pity it's not as much as TMUF, but every bit helps ;)
Learner Driver
It will add up once more titles/environments are released and you get 20 per title per day.
Site Leader
Location: US
planets are just as useles as coppers though.
Old Age Caravanner
... which means they're actually quite useful and can be used for many things.

- Buying buddy slots
- Buying skins from ManiaLinks
- Investing in upgrading your server to a 40k-80k server
- Making competitions and offering planets as prizes

There's other things too, but those are some of the main things I use them for.

I think we'll see even more uses for them in the future. Best to save them up.
Site Leader
Location: US
I see your point eyebo, but I personally don't use planets for anything. Really. Nothing. If someone offers planets for me I don't want them
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
I guess it all depends on what you're interested in and how involved you are in supporting other people's projects. I buy a lot of skins off the unc-crew manialink, for instance, because I want to support them and I also like using the skins for screenshots and videos. Maybe you're really good at skinning and do all your own skins. I'm not, and I don't.

My point is, even if planets seemingly have no use for you personally, it doesn't mean they're useless, and it doesn't mean they're stupid like some people try to say. :p
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
planets will always be usefull, as the game develops and new environments are added, i'm sure a lot of extra's will be added and made available, where planets will be needed for that extra add on or a special track and keep you intrested playing as with TMUF.
Learner Driver
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