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I'd join, but Quaknet keeps disconnecting me for a bad HMAC. :p
Deep fried
Location: AU
That's a bummer Forzyy :(
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo says:

I've opped TheM and RKO90 on #MX ... in case I'm not around and some moderating needs to be done.
TheM is owner of #maniaplanet and a moderator on the maniaplanet forums.

Yeeh! :d I'll be there 24/7 (yeh, with a bouncer... :p), and have a look on the channel a bit :p
Thanks eyebo for this trust (or this returned favour? :p)
Last edited by TheM,
Moped Racer
Location: NL
I have a different idea for live chat than most of you.

I think that if we did then it must be as integrated as possible into all the things that make MX what it is. So track links, track lists, user profiles, award lists, user lists, all that stuff should have codes or buttons built in so that people can post and link about MX stuff.

The argument that it becomes a track/spam fest is not one I agree with, as if users want to behave this way they can do it regardless with MSN or other chat programs. So unless our chat program had lots of site specific commands/features built in then it would be pointless.

I would even be happy to see it to run some pre-defined SQL searches to get live lists/data from the MX database that is not available elsewhere.

Anyway, its all pipe talk, there will always be other things we need to do than this.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
I like the idea of deep integration with MX.

I agree with you on allowing track links, as long as people tell why they're linking the track. Otherwise it is indeed just spam.

IRC will never take off among the majority here, and I know that. But for those that wish to use it, perhaps it will suffice until something better comes along.

On the #tm-exchange channel that Piercy set up for TMX United, someone had a bot there that would tell author, number of awards, comments, environment, mood, etc... when you pasted a link to a specific track.

It was quite handy, because you would get some details about the link before clicking it. Maybe it was even Piercy who made it. I'm not sure.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
The problem with the spam could very easily be solved.
Just add a ignore function.

When you get annoyed by someone because you think he just spams/is annoying you can just ignore him so you don't see whatever he's posting.
And/or an option that lets you disable/hide links, so whenever someone posts a link you just won't see it.

Then people can spam as much as they want to.. if you hate it - you just mute it/them.

I remember about such bots in irc. I think even Q was able for such commands.
Back then Q was a more powerful bot though.. now its a light-bot which got replaced by another one.. L or so. I don't remember, haven't been using irc for ages.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
Just use the (even official :p) irc channel and put some bot that allows certain commands to link it to MX.
I doubt I'll be in chat as much as I do in IRC since I hate website chats (at least I expect it to be like that).
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
eyebo says:
On the #tm-exchange channel that Piercy set up for TMX United, someone had a bot there that would tell author, number of awards, comments, environment, mood, etc... when you pasted a link to a specific track.

It was quite handy, because you would get some details about the link before clicking it. Maybe it was even Piercy who made it. I'm not sure.

Hello eyebo,

Just a small correction my friend.

The bot is called TMXBot and it belongs to MattW_CFI.

It's there right now if you want to see it. (y)

Site Leader
Location: US
How did you track it down?
Deep fried
Location: AU
It was just ... there. :p
Site Leader
Location: US
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