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by  Arkive  |  10
AT   01:07.808 |  Canyon / CanyonCar   |   Advanced 
ID  95463 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   01:17.248  Nighthawk 10 (100%)
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MP4 UPDATE: Shadows have been recalculated, no other changes have been made.

Take to the underground.

This map was designed more as proof of concept than a race map. Nonetheless, I hope that it satisfies as a course! The idea here is that you race underground, but not using the terribly limited underground blocks. No, I figured out how to build an arena area underground. It's not the best looking, as ghost blocks are used extensively. So yeah, it works, but it might not be the best idea.

Getting this to work is simple: You need to make an entrance into the underground with the underground road pieces, and then use a ghost block exit piece. This makes the transition much more seamless than my previous underground track MTC - TSEP. Use the same strategy to exit. Be warned, though, that EVERYTHING underground must be a ghost block. If you have ever used ghost blocks, you know that they tend to produce graphical errors. This was no exception.

In order to make it look fully underground, you do need to do some things. First off, you will notice that there are no walls, floors, or ceilings. Since you are never meant to be underground in this fashion, the textures are only one sided. To make the floors, just take any outside plant scenery and add it to make a floor (I used simple shrubbery). The walls are made from the same blocks that modify the original landscape cliffsides into their more random (and better looking) counterparts. The ceiling won't look nearly as good since caves were never meant to be created, so I just used some basic blocks to cover it up. I think the course looks nice overall.

There are probably better ways to do this. One possibility I thought up after creating the course was to make a sort of perimeter with the cliffs, build normally (without ghost blocks), cover the ceiling as stated above, and then use ghost blocks to make the floor above the cave ceiling. Assuming this works (and it should, in theory), you will not have nearly as many ghost blocks causing oddities and you should have the same effect.

All in all, I'm proud of this, if only for the originality of it. Feel free to use my above tricks to make your own underground adventures!

Find the map on Steam and see some extra screenshots.

Watch the replay on YouTube.
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