Welcome one and all, to a more laid back track than usual, this track was actually the first one I made during the early days of the Lagoon Beta days not long after the release of ManiaPlanet4, partly as a way for me to learn the possibilities of the new blocks, but I had since touched it up with some new custom objects and scenery to make it a more complete package. Enjoy your time, taste the sun and take in the sights in this more online friendly course!
Coppers: 8,788
AuthorTime: 0:35.08
MT Intro/Ingame/Outro/Podium: -
Difficulty: 3.8/10
Custom BGM: Yes (link incase it doesnt automatically download)
"Coastal Resort" from the Penny Racers / ChoroQ HG OST
Now with that all said and done, I hope that this track will provide a quick splash of entertainment and I hope its simplicity can inspire others to make more lagoon tracks in the near future, as it can be a fantastic environment if you just delve in a little deeper, but most of all, good luck, hanve fun, and i shall see you all next time!