TM Interview Project - tween | 14 Nov, 2013 |
wormi | (4 comments, 3550 views) |
This time we have a special interview with a double ESWC silver medalist, KarjeN's strongest opponent on C01 and hakkiJunior's second account, tween! You can find more infomation about the project here. -- This interview is an ESWC-special. The first 12 questions tween answered... Read More |
TMNF-X Activity | 13 Nov, 2013 |
pascow.esu | (2 comments, 2397 views) |
Hey guys! The Official TMX User Choice Awards 2013 are there! In this project we "give awards" to the users in several categories by letting all users vote. The nomination phase is over and now it comes to the real voting. Votings are always very appreciated i... Read More |
The Importance of Tracking Teams | 02 Nov, 2013 |
eyebo | (17 comments, 7522 views) |
I've been thinking of track building teams lately. Tracking teams have been a major part of the culture on TMX. In the past (2007-2011) most people wanted to be in a good team. It was, on some level, a matter of prestige. Most teams wouldn't let you in unless you were good enough. Some were even by invitation only. You felt quite special if you had been accepted by one of these elite communities within TM. New teams also popped up occasionally, sometimes comprised o... Read More |
TM Interview Project - Sic! | 29 Oct, 2013 |
wormi | (11 comments, 2542 views) |
Today I present you someone who started playing TM in Canyon. Nowadays he's known about his maps - say hello to Sic! You can find more infomation about the project here. -- 1. Could you tell us something about yourself? Sure. My name is Florian, I am 27 years old and live in Ge... Read More |
TM Interview Project - eyebo | 11 Oct, 2013 |
wormi | (16 comments, 3340 views) |
This time we have someone who is said to be one of the friendliest faces over TM - and especially TMX/MX. Let's keep this intro short – it's eyebo! You can find more infomation about the project here. Now, let's begin! -- 1. Could you tell us something about yourself? ... Read More |
TM Interview Project - darkpuddle | 11 Sep, 2013 |
wormi | (9 comments, 2619 views) |
Some people don't watch movies – they make them. In Trackmania, this guy is one of those who rather create their own films. Also, he is waiting 17th September 2013 more than most of us. Yep, it's darkpuddle! You can find more infomation about the project here. Gogo read it! -- 1. Do... Read More |
Fun | 07 Sep, 2013 |
eyebo | (18 comments, 8650 views) |
Such a short word, isn't it? Doesn't it immediately make you happy though? It has such promise! "Let's have some fun!" "Oh, what fun there is to be had!" "We're here to have fun!" What is fun? It's enjoyment, amusement, lighthearted pleasure. I can't speak for eve... Read More |
Valley fail, Canyon comeback | 03 Sep, 2013 |
pfm | (8 comments, 2527 views) |
I was looking at the stats over at the excellent ServerViewer website and noticed something interesting. This chart struck me particularly: As you can see there's an initial frenzy of players playing Valley in the first few days of its launch which coincides with a small drop in the number of Canyon ... Read More |
TM Interview Project - GanjaRider | 28 Aug, 2013 |
wormi | (14 comments, 4486 views) |
Yo boys and girls! This time I can present you an old member of TM community! When I told that I will publish this interview to my friend, his reaction was “is he still alive?” He's also known from some full throttle maps... yep, it's GanjaRider! You can find more infomation about the project here. Read More |
Valley Tech Map Day | 23 Aug, 2013 |
pfm | (4 comments, 1777 views) |
Hi all, As Valley nears it 2nd month of life in the wild I'm starting to notice more and more excellent tech maps coming out. Today alone I had 3 new tech map releases in my notifications for the authors i follow, and guess what they were all excellent! 47696 47701 Read More |