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ATMN Top 5: How Shootmania Storm will kick ass!
ATMN Top 5: How Shootmania Storm will kick ass! 23 Apr, 2012
 Cipher»LT (5 comments, 1224 views)  
Well, since i don't really want to do a random track right now, i guess i'll do a... Top 5 reasons Shootmania Storm will kick ass!

Number 5: Shootmania Storm is pretty much Quake Arena with a Map Editor.
There's no arguing that Quake Arena is a great game, but imagine Quake with a easy to use block based map editor. Now that is going to be a kick ass game!

Number 4: Shootmania Storm will be easy to get into.
There's no question that Storm will be a considerably easy game to play, i mean the only thing you'd really have to learn is to lead off your target when shooting.

Number 3: It's made by Nadeo
Now this might be debatable (i'll get to that soon), but i have a good feeling that they won't make stupid and/or rookie mistakes when developing or marketing it.

Number 2: The community will be the same one we know from tm2
Considering that most of us here will play the game at one point or another, this made it high on the list for me. The only thing i could see going bad is... i'll talk about that later...

And the Number 1 reason Storm will kick ass: It'll have the same great mod support as tm did
Let's face it, this is the only worthy thing that belongs in the number 1 spot.

And that concludes this Top 5, stay tuned for the next Top 5 that comes tomorrow later today. ;)

Credits/other stuff
Written by Cipher
Edited by Cipher

Click Here to read the Top 5 reasons Storm will not appeal/suck.
Click Here to contact me on TMX.
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And be sure to stay here next week for my next blog post! :cool:
5 comment(s).
 Cipher»LT writes ... 25, Apr, 2012  
MrA says:
Maybe up to a point, but I think Nadeo's idea is to attract new players rather than keep trying to recycle the old ones.

I agree with you, but with the way Nadeo has been marketing, i'm just not sure that any more than 25% of the people on smx will be newcomers
 tcq writes ... 23, Apr, 2012  
MrA says:
... says:
Number 2: The community will be the same one we know from tm2
Considering that most of us here will play the game at one point or another, this made it high on the list for me. The only thing i could see going bad is... i'll talk about that later..."

Maybe up to a point, but I think Nadeo's idea is to attract new players rather than keep trying to recycle the old ones.

Ofc the old ones are welcome, but they will want (or even need) SM to be much more than shooting game for racing drivers ;)

Yeah, i guess the TM2 players will only be a minority in the SM community because there are many people which will give it a try (e.g. the quake and the UT players).
 MrA writes ... 23, Apr, 2012  
... says:
mber 2: The community will be the same one we know from tm2
Considering that most of us here will play the game at one point or another, this made it high on the list for me. The only thing i could see going bad is... i'll talk about that later..."

Maybe up to a point, but I think Nadeo's idea is to attract new players rather than keep trying to recycle the old ones.

Ofc the old ones are welcome, but they will want (or even need) SM to be much more than shooting game for racing drivers ;)
 SPIDER writes ... 23, Apr, 2012  
:p says:
Number 3: It's made by Nadeo
Now this might be debatable (i'll get to that soon), but i have a good feeling that they won't make stupid and/or rookie mistakes when developing or marketing it.

I think you are wrong in this. they skip big commercial and no steam sales as maybe 50 % of the buyers want, so they do the mistake again and its becouse to keep the cost down, but i hope iam wrong. :p

Anyway, canyon is a success, but, storm will have a bigger sale numbers than canyon did, becouse its a fps game.
but they will lose alot buyers again. sorry to say this but i think its true. +o(
 metoxys writes ... 23, Apr, 2012  
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