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 Robots hate summer

by  Sami  |  10
It's a start
AT   00:37.985 |  Stadium / StadiumCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  66300 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:38.645  Mewis 10 (100%)
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 Author Comments
Hi mania exchange (:

if the robots don't hate summer, at least i do. the track is a tech map. quite easy and smooth to my taste. i am really proud of the final result. at first i was building two track at the same time and i decided to only keep one with some of the cool transitions of the second one.

the tracks contain plenty of sweet transitions. i just realise now how much block mix unleach a ton of cool things. i have try to use as much as possible the diffenrent kind of surface. for me it's as never been so easy to build this kind of platform tech track. i have try many times before. without being very successfull. but today, my dreams become real with this one (:

in terms of scenery, damn, i love the way it look. especially the structure under the track. for me it's look like minecraft. since the track is at the top, it's not really seeable but it's ok. i am sure there is a lots of potencial with this design, even if it take ages to build.

now it's your turn to judge the track by yourself.
the track contain a GPS to help you to go in. you will also find a little intro with some sweet point of view.

have fun and feel free to post your replays.
it's alway appreciated

The screen as been done by   GoW <3
big version

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