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 Beast Unleashed

by  Red Virus  |  0
AT   00:47.057 |  Stadium / StadiumCar   |   Advanced 
ID  63783 
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 Author Comments
(y) First the good news, this is my 100th track that I have made since joining the Trackmania family years ago. And I am proud to be a part of such a good community of friends and players from around the world. This is the first game I have ever played where the majority of players are friendly and willing to help others. And I hope for more years to come where we all can enjoy this game together.

:'( Now for the bad news. This track is going to work you over. It is not easy. There are no C.P.'s, so it is a start to finish track. I am not going to say "don't make any mistakes", because you will, and you will be resetting a lot before you are able to complete this track. The screenshot does not do this track justice. The screenshot actually makes the track look boring, but it is far from that. Follow the arrows I put in place. They are easily seen. When you do the wall rides, all I can say is if your are struggling, keep at it. It takes the right amount of speed and angles to make the cuts. For those that are familiar with my speedtech tracks, you'll most likely curse me with this one. It is quick and short. Should take roughly 45-50 seconds to run it fully. Any time longer than that, you're going to slow. :p
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Rated 2.60 stars by 1 players.
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