Get ready for a Martian adventure! This chaotic course features all sorts of challenges, such as jumps, rough terrain, narrow paths above canyons, and even a turbo to be avoided somewhere along a curvy canyon road! (If you hit that turbo, you'll have a very hard time trying to control your vehicle!)
This map uses the
Red Planet Mod by TotofuS.
-Toa Of Justice
UPDATE May 26, 2017: Due to lighting issues with the sunlit moods of this mod in ManiaPlanet 4, I have changed the mood to night. You should be still able to navigate well, as long as your vehicle has decent headlights.
UPDATE June 19, 2024: The mod locator URL within the track has been updated. There is a new magnetic tube section. The rough terrain now has checkpoints to prevent cutting. Signage has been updated for visibility and bloom reduction. (I mostly used the built-in Trackmania Nations signs, but also some from
Gep's item set on top of a specially made
"off" sign skin [
locator] for the cave signs). As an out-of-this-world bonus, I added items from xrayjay's
Canyon Space Items set. (The light from that set was especially helpful for illuminating dark parts of the map!)