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 Just A Little More (mtc)

by   pjw  |  11
Open to feedback
AT   04:09.135 |  Stadium / StadiumCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  158634 
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   03:18.420  Hazard. 11 (100%)
2nd   21:16.361  eFFecT 10.56 (96%)
 Dedimania recordsView on Dedimania
 Author Comments
This trial track was created for the February 2019 MTC (monthly track contest), and the theme was "transitions". The track had to transition from each of five environment types to every other type once (20 total transitions). In this track, the transitions are:

road - underground
underground - platform
platform - terrain
terrain - platform
platform - underground
underground - road
road - dirt
dirt - underground
underground - terrain
terrain - dirt
dirt - road
road - terrain
terrain - underground
underground - dirt
dirt - terrain
terrain - road
road - platform
platform - dirt
dirt - platform
platform - road

This track went through a lot of versions in the past few weeks--it used to be harder, but I lowered the difficulty a bit on the harder CPs and it's now flagged as "Intermediate". It's not very difficult to get through (once you figure out a few tricks and ways to simplify or optimize the various CPs), but it could seem a little daunting at the beginning.

The AT is 4:09, but it could be better; I'm just out of time for now, and won't have much before the deadline. I'm guessing that a fast, clean run with no restarts would be down close to 3:30.

As always, any feedback is appreciated, and with tracks like this, first-run replays are especially cool! I love to watch people's minds work as they figure things out and have a-ha! moments. :)

Big thanks to xrayjay and jui for the mapobjects! The map is hugely better than it would be without them!
 Embedded objects16 Objects
Object IX? Object author
S_4ramp.Item.gbx xrayjay
S_DHouse1.Item.gbx xrayjay
S_Turbo3.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-ArrowB.Item.gbx xrayjay
StadiumBlueBlock.Item.gbx xrayjay
StadiumGrassCombo.Item.gbx xrayjay
StadiumTunnelAplate-2-2.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-Sat.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-Pillar2.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-Pillar3.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-Pillar4.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-Pillar5.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-PillarCP.Item.gbx xrayjay
StadiumTunnel5A.Item.gbx xrayjay
CPx2.Item.gbx jui
Startx2.Item.gbx jui
 8 / 16 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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