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 L038 LoonyTubes

by  Demented  |  10
It's a start
AT   01:47.378 |  Lagoon / LagoonCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  151047 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   01:40.931  Piotrunio 10 (100%)
 Dedimania recordsView on Dedimania
 Author Comments
[UPDATE] - I loaded the map in Lagoon TP(only) and resaved it so there should be no conflict with multi env. TP's now. (y)
This is a sample map of a new "Tube" item set I am working on.
The Tube item set is finished now and on Maniapark: Lagoon-Tubes
It took a while to finish the set because I wanted to add Start, Finish, Checkpoint and Multilap Gates to it which we can now make in the item editor. :)

TIP: if you have trouble taking corners in the tubes try to either drive straight through them or try turning slightly the opposite way you think you should.
IE: At first checkpoint, try driving straight forward through the twists. ;)
 Embedded objects32 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Cliff04.Item.Gbx demented
Rocks04.Item.Gbx demented
Rocks13.Item.Gbx demented
TB-Frame.Item.Gbx demented
TB-Supports16.Item.Gbx demented
TB-Supports32.Item.Gbx demented
TM-Vert90B.Item.Gbx demented
Smiley.Item.Gbx demented
TM-SlopeBase.Item.Gbx demented
TM-SlopeMid.Item.Gbx demented
TM-SlopeTop.Item.Gbx demented
TM-Straight32.Item.Gbx demented
TM-Vert32.Item.Gbx demented
TM-Vert90A.Item.Gbx demented
TG-Vert32.Item.Gbx demented
TG-Vert90A.Item.Gbx demented
TG-Vert90B.Item.Gbx demented
TM-Access.Item.Gbx demented
TM-CurveA.Item.Gbx demented
TM-CurveB.Item.Gbx demented
TG-CurveB.Item.Gbx demented
TG-SlopeBase.Item.Gbx demented
TG-SlopeMid.Item.Gbx demented
TG-SlopeTop.Item.Gbx demented
TG-Straight16.Item.Gbx demented
TG-Straight32.Item.Gbx demented
TB-Supports64.Item.Gbx demented
TB-WallLights.Item.Gbx demented
TS-Sign1.Item.Gbx demented
TS-Sign2.Item.Gbx demented
TG-Access.Item.Gbx demented
TG-CurveA.Item.Gbx demented
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