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most "not fun" Canyon thingies
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so? I don't think I'm noob. and again: these are not things I dislike, these are things which decrease amount of fun I get when playing!
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
So, just to make sure I understand you. these things crease the amount of fun you have, but you still like them? I don't understand that ...
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
I'm neutral to them.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
I'm guessing by neutral you mean that you don't care if these issues you have get solved or not. If that's the guess, why bring them up at all?
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
many missing blocks - thats the most "not fun" to me. i hope there will be more some time - hopefully before nadeo starts to work on other environments.
Learner Driver
they started working on Valley (2nd envi) some years ago already^^
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
argh - ok ;) so lets say "hopefully before they start to sell the next envi"
Learner Driver
Make a map, spend 15 minutes computing high quality shadows and then you realize you want to change something in the track comments. So you go in, update comments and save map and it says 'compute shadows'. WTF?!? Why do I need to compute shadows again only if I updated the comments, most non fun thing :@
Old Age Caravanner
Location: IN
15min?! :s I don't even hesitate to recompute as it only takes a few minutes generally for me =p
Space Cowboy
Location: US
It seems if you validate and then compute shadows and then save, it forgets it. Always validate, save, say no, open the track again and then compute shadows.
Moped Racer
Location: BE
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