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Discussion about an tournament idea
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Discussion about an tournament idea  
So, I have a tournament idea and I want to share it with you and have your opinion on it.
(I cant organize a tournament like this or at leat I'm not thinking that I can do it)

I dont know what Style it can be, so like groups or round or KO. It mostly depents on how many wopuld sign up etc. This Idea is about the matches itself.

The tournament:

- 3v3
- 4 maps per match
- 5 Round per map
- player get points based on position = 6 to 1 , they add up until all 20 Rounds are over and whoever team has more points wins the match
- 21*5*4 = 420 -> ti win you need to have more than 210 points as a team
- in an unlikely event of a draw they play an decider map
- this decider map is the same for the whole tournament

The tracks:

- are build by the teams themselves, just for one match
- the opposing team can choose up to 2 or 3 things the enemy has to imploment on the tracks (for each track 3) out of things that are given to them like:
-> at least 10 sec fullspeed
-> 2 dirt checkpoint
-> 2 loops
-> 1 waterbounce
-> and so on.....
- 2 or 3 days building time

The rules: the match:
- cuts allowed

The rules: the maps
- min. 30 sec, max. 2 min
- all styles allowed
- easy finishable
- respawnable
- make a GPS -> on puzzle maps just show one way how to finish, doesnt have to be the fastest (so that noone has to search for a way before driving)
- intentional cuts allowed to save only < 5 sec -> and must fulfill still the rules that the opposing team gave you
- scenery allowed but not necessary
- no fx colours

Thats all for now (I hope I didnt forget anything) , later I'll maybe update this post on why I implomented what.
But for now you can say your opinion and discuss what you like and what you hate and the possibilities of some of the rules and tracks.

Good race
Last edited by Rioyter,
Old Age Caravanner
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