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MTC July / August 2016: Road trip!
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First of all I think, even if most of the stadium entries are on a low level, you shouldn't flame one style, because all of them belong to the Maniaplanet / TM2 & Maniaexchange, (so also to the MTC), not just Canyon, Valley or only Stadium. So don't forget that, it actually was nadeo's idea behind the Maniaplanet, connecting different envis.

Therefore you shouldn't just ban one enviroment, if you want an active MX MTC, since most of the entries are stadium maps.

I'm really concerned about baning Stadium, TM isn't the most active game with a big community (online peaks at ~2.000 or something, not quite sure), and with that potential ban, you would even minimize the community.
I personally only build here on TM2 for competitions (mainly FS ofc) & MX MTC and I'm pretty sure, that I'm not the only one. So what I want to say is that I wouldn't even upload any maps (only ones that weren't picked for competitions) here anymore without the MTC, since TMX offers much more to me :|

just a random thought

now to AR »DrHugs' post (shortened it a bit):

AR »DrHugs: says:
Just saying "stadium should be banned" is like shitting on the majority of the ppl [...]. I think that's dumb & ignorant, as i said in a previous thread, you downrated a good stadium's track, and uprated a valley track. [...] Your partiality makes you a bad hoster. The judging sheet is here to judge maps, you shouldn't decide everything on your own, even less when your ideas are so "closed".

just how it is. sorry osaka, but this is pretty much how it is. You already influence the potential judges by even writing your opinion into the thread. That's unnecesarry. IMO the judges shouldn't publish their thoughts of a map, especially the host / moderator should.

Beetle Racer
Location: DE
If you're so worried about why I made that claim, the only tracks I've had to DQ in three months are stadium tracks. I don't know, maybe I'm expecting people to fucking know how to read
The Green Dude
Location: ES
Ok, let's shittalk. Maybe you're fucking too dumb to figure out how stadium works and what the possibilites are? Maybe you're fucking not smart enough to understand what different environments are? ... Dude don't hold a mixed envis comp if you fucking have no clue of what the envis are... I mean hey, my blind dog could get my point here (and it's a dead dog.).

You fucking put rules that let various possibilites and when you're not pleased "oh no, that's not good enough"... Are you fucking serious? Because i'm fucking pissed off of seeing a fucking admin not being able to sort his shit out actually. Never been any problem of this sort with haenry, wanna know why? He first of all had a neutral point of view, and when it was out of his skill range, he let the ppl do the job for him in the sheet. It took you like 3 fucking MTC to screw everything up, nice one dude.

Let's get it even further, your fucking definition of the MTC gives no fucking restriction, wtf are u even on about dude????? "It should feel like traveling", dude builds a rpg map with epic scenery where you go all around, insides & outsides, "no it dsnt feel like you travel"... FFS. "No limits to how you give the road trip feel." ... You don't even make sense, it just feels like you pass your irl frustration on maps that didnt please your tastes, well, screw you, i don't want you as MTC hoster.

Not peace anymore. Note all the "fuckings", if you're a disrespectful ass no reason to respect you.

PS: you actually complain about 90% of the MTC community when you point stadium out... So maybe YOU should adapt, not us?
Last edited by drhugs,
Quad Bike Racer
Ok, first of all, chill. I can beat all of you at being a dumbfuck if we're at it, but I really don't want to have to do it.

Then let's talk about parallel universes the capabilities of each environment. I know them, actually. A ton. I have a stadium map that got into an MTC and finished second, believe it or not. My entire trackmania career has focused on building and I've been at this for over 10 years. The little tag by my name is something I earned through my mapping prowess. I'd say excellence but being honest I don't think I'm that good. The point I'm getting at here is that I know about building theory. I can't build RPG but this stems from me being incapable of driving RPG as well.

Since I've been mapping for 10 years I expect people to give the mapping process some respeck. When there's a contest, I expect people to read the rules, and if they have ANY doubts, ask them since whoever runs it is generally more than willing to answer. I am willing to answer your questions when I can. This time the DQ notice didn't get in time because sadly I didn't have access to the game in like two weeks, when everyone uploaded, but if there had been questions to ask I would've answered. There were none.

In fact I betatested for compliance two tracks in june and had fredair send me pictures and a replay proving how his map was rule compliant. You can't say that I'm not willing to help.

I have been funny once on an MTC where you couldn't use the same block twice in a row so I just used an environment that had 4 draggable basic roads. That track was 10th for 38 btw. However, it was still well within rules, because at no point I went through the same block twice in a row. If the ONE RULE of a contest is "roadtrip", expect me to look for a road trip. That being something as simple as a trip through roads. There were no trips in the disqualified tracks, and one of them didn't even have roads. You see where I'm getting at?

I know that this allows a somewhat open interpretation. Of the tracks I considered within the ruleset, each one has a different approach. Rex racer decided to work with stadium anyways and built a large array of very large structures and made a sightseeing tour out of them. Snake made a country road and several small towns with their little nuance. Arkive made a Historic Route 66 type deal. They all had roads and a trip. It's all I asked for. I could have answered any questions that spurred if they were willing to ask.

It was the easiest thing I have ever been a part of.


The thing is that I somehow expected this (all of this) would happen, and it's why I wasn't so open to the idea of open themes in the suggestion thread. I decided upon doing this for this MTC just to see what would happen (and reduce the mapping load on everyone since this wouldn't be focused purely on track design) hoping that you'd prove me wrong. And you didn't. And this saddens me.

But enough for today. If there's anything more productive to do than trying (and failing) to have a fouler mouth than I do, you're welcome to say it. If there's not, notify it and I'll close the thread.
The Green Dude
Location: ES
Problem being, YOU think as person A that this free MTC was representing X thing. As a person B i can see it as Y etc etc . If you put a free theme, you shouldn't afterwards DQ maps like this, it's disrespectful for the mapper's efforts (even more 4mn maps ...). Even if in the end it annoys you & you think those maps are not fitting the rules, as i already said, you can let the ppl's votes do the job. If the theme wasn't so open i'd probably stand on your side.

Your definition of roadtrip is biased, you can do a roadtrip in the Sahara, are there roads here? Nope. I really feel like travelling on this rpg track. As said, this theme is too large, and you're seeing it while wearing blinders (that's my feeling at least.).

The point about skill was really this one time i saw you uprating a valley track that was not really easy but smooth and downrating a stadium track that was exactly the same, not really easy but smooth (same smoothness & skill input). That really made me tilt.

btw 10 years of mapping does not mean a lot, in 3 years i got more experience in mapping fullspeed than 99% of the scene... It's not for how long you've been doing it, but how much you did it that matters :) (basically the meaning of "experience").

Pretty sure there's nothing to add. That's sad i had to go & be a big dickhead to make you react like a normal person, you're human & can get pissed off, that i get, but as an admin your role asks a minimum of respect i think (in order to get your message through even). Imo you should just soften your way to approach all this matter.

You can close the subject i guess, that's enough for me at least.
Quad Bike Racer
I see your reactions. One dude tries to say the dictionary is wrong. The other made a second account to call me immature. Class acts, both of you.

I guess I really should act on the memes. I prefer to have a deserted contest with people who tried than a deserted contest with people who didn't even try, and then justify themselves saying that it's me who didn't try to see what wasn't there.
The Green Dude
Location: ES
Then just go away, we don't need you. I'm pretty sure we'd get someone that actually fits to the role instead of you. Thanks for trying.
Quad Bike Racer
AR »DrHugs. says:
Thanks for trying.

More than can be said about you it seems. ( 'w')

You should never let someone such an open entry.

Since you're still trying to be epic (and failing. Again), I will act on the thread closure.

It's been fun toying with you but now I have to do some cleanup, hope you don't mind.
The Green Dude
Location: ES
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