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The Big Wallpapers thread
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Looks really bad deja. I'm not sure whether you quite understand the purpose of th WP topic. Would you actually put this as your desktop wallpaper ? A centered car with a terrible skin on a poorly blurred road, simply overlayed with a blue colour. So.. Yeah...
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NL
sorry deja, don't like the angle, neither the skin :(
you've done way better in the past
You just lost the game ...
Location: BE
Thanks for the feedbacks guys.

.dejavu says:
Lovely colours ornaiim, that editing fits pretty well on that mod (cryo isn't it?)

It isn't... it's Biohazard by HawkGer

I really like the colours/atmosphere in your lastest one Deja but the skin doesn't fit and too fancy for meh.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
ook, i understood you didn't like it :DD
Np, i acutally really like this skin, i made it especially to shot my videos, because of the fancy look.
Maybe the quality of the skin looks bad, because it itsn't with a polished colour, but with a "matt-grey".
Btw, on my destkop it fits pretty good :d
Moped Racer
Location: CH
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
nice one (y) you could use longer motionblur tho, so spinners would look better :)
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Ornaiim says:
img here

Excellent but i dislike the red smoke coming from the sky (probably a cloud)
Old Age Caravanner
Location: FI
Thanks both.
Daniel : the car was going really slow I set the longer value time possible but with a higher value time the car will be blurred.
Makikou : it's indeed a cloud. If you don't like it clame Nadeo for that ^^
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
Ornaiim says:
Thanks both.
Daniel : the car was going really slow I set the longer value time possible but with a higher value time the car will be blurred.

You need to check the AnchorRot box.. The camera becomes a pain to set for some reason I haven't figured out but it will follow the car even in turns so you can set the blur as high as you want and it will still not blur the car
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
(@Dreamy) Just a few threads below this one. :)
Last edited by Ville,
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Location: FI
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