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[MT] Where is the blur ?
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[MT] Where is the blur ?  
Hello everybody,

I think I'm becoming dumb... I'm editing a GPS for a new Stadium track and I can't find how to create a blur effect. It was really easy in TMNF using the specific function (speed blur) but I can't find an equivalent way to do it in TM² :|

If you could explain me how to overcome this I will be very thankful !
Thanks :d
Learner Driver
It looks like they removed it.

This is the first I've heard about someone wanting to use it for MT in TM2.
Site Leader
Location: US
Yep, that's my conclusion.

I asked on maniaplanet forum, here is the link if somebody is interested (french topic) :

A solution could be to active the motion blur during the shot of the video, but I don't have enough time to test it now :build:
Learner Driver
Actually, my curiosity was stronger tonight x)

I activated the blur in my parameters, and shot a replay to get a look.
Here is the fact :
The motion blur is created by the bloc "Depth of field" !
Settins (french names, I can't be sure for a translation) :
Distance focus : 10
Taille de la lentille : 0.05

I added this bloc to my MT and it looks great :d

Hope this will help in the future ;)
Learner Driver
Motion Blur and Depth of Field are different things. ;) But okay, if it's what you want. I'm glad you found something that made you happy. (y)

Edit: Okay. Now I read your original post again. And it sounds like this is what you wanted all along. Sorry that I misunderstood. :$
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
I just noticed than if I disable the motion blur in my settings, the blur disappear in my GPS. it's like if the "Depth of field" bloc wasn't here...

Quite strange, and not so good in my opinion...

Edit : I'm so dumb...
Changing the enable/disable setting of motion blur during the editing of the replay (which I shot WITH motion blur) just activate or deactivate the blur :(
So I was wrong when I thought than Depth of field was the same.
Last edited by Kovash,
Learner Driver
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