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Can't Award/Comment Tracks in Chrome [How to Fix it]
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Can't Award/Comment Tracks in Chrome [How to Fix it]  
Hi there

Well I'm loving the new website so far, but I've encountered a bug. I saw something similar to this already posted, but that thread is locked and the problem isn't fixed for me, soooo yeah.

Anyway, I'm not only unable to award and comment on tracks, but I'm not even able to see awards or comments.

I'm using the Google Chrome dev build, which is currently in version 15.0.854.0. Everything works fine in IE9.

Last edited by MrA,
Location: US
Same here -- a track which is supposed to have 10 awards doesn't show any, and I can't post an award myself.
Firefox 6 (newest) on Win 7 64bit
Moped Racer
Location: SK
Hi Sammon, have you tried to force chrome to refresh the page, its either Ctrl & F5 or Shift & F5, this seems to fix it for most people who have been getting this.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Ah, it seems forcing the page to refresh works. Seems like an odd solution, but whatever.

It's still a bit annoying though. :$
Location: US
It shouldn't repeat, Forzyy broke the javascript the other day and since then browsers which love to cache stuff have insisted on holding on to the broken script :s
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
not sure if that helps...but for FF users i only can recommend "better privacy" wich delete even things wich you dont know that they will be saved through your browser (Firefox)
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
MrA says:
It shouldn't repeat, Forzyy broke the javascript the other day and since then browsers which love to cache stuff have insisted on holding on to the broken script :s

Not my fault I was forced to prototype in a function so IE would work. 8-|
Deep fried
Location: AU
Same problem with Firefox ! Can't see or add awards and comments, even by refreshing with F5 or ctrl + R
It was working yesterday however.
Last edited by Virus,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
The caching problem is irrelevant in this case. There was an exception being thrown which meant the AJAX request failed. It's been fixed. :done:
Deep fried
Location: AU
nope. Still not working here. Using Chrome...just updated...so I have the latest version.
Edit: now it's fixed. Yay (y)
Last edited by HawkGer,
G-kart Racer
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