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Nadeo track and Title tracks
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Nadeo track and Title tracks  
Today Meuh uploaded the first track in his title "Raid", and I uploaded a replay on it, and it was no problems. Makes me wondering; What is actually the problem about start uploading replays in Nadeo tracks ? I mean, if Nadeo is willing to upload they`re track here on MX, then what`s the problem of having Nadeo tracks counted in the leaderboard or make a separate leaderboard for Nadeo tracks ?

Another important question is; There will be many titles in the future I guess. Is MX ready for implementing separate leaderboard points on each title, like it is on United? Or is there other plans for it?

And also, as pointed out by meuh in another tread today; Here;
meuh says:
Map types don't mean title pack. A title pack can be based on race tracks but with objects (and many other stuff). In Canyon you can't play the track... And if you want to find in MX tracks for a title pack it is not possible :( (the advance filter don't work because the title pack is not detected...). So my first question is not so stupid ;)

I think the community deserve a straight forward answer to this.....

1. Is MX ready to implement search function for every new title in the "search track" feature in the future, and include it on a separate leaderboard?. Like it is in United.

2.Is MX to be the main exchange site in the future for all coming new MP titles ? Are there any limitations here? Like "having time to implement it", or "giving priority to implement it"?

3. Are these to include Stunt tracks, which are based on points and not on times... Is MX ready for, or will be in the near future, for this?
Moped Racer
Location: PH
... says:
What is actually the problem about start uploading replays in Nadeo tracks?

Nadeo tracks are assigned there own leaderboard. We're still trying to work out the best possible point system that will allow it to be routinely competitive.

... says:
Is MX ready for implementing separate leaderboard points on each title, like it is on United?

We will be extremely 'picky' as to which titles get there own leaderboard. Each environment gets their own leaderboard though. The system will automatically create those leaderboards. We will have to manually create title leaderboards. I'll explain in further detail once I get the ideas down on paper.

... says:
And if you want to find in MX tracks for a title pack it is not possible

I don't trust user input, never have and never will. I will ask Nadeo to add new meta data to the map files that include the title pack name. Everyone in the community will greatly benefit from this. :)

... says:
Is MX ready to implement search function for every new title in the "search track" feature in the future, and include it on a separate leaderboard?

Yes. But only when the meta data of the files is available.

... says:
Is MX to be the main exchange site in the future for all coming new MP titles?

We hope to be. There's no arguing we don't provide a great service to the community.

... says:
Are there any limitations here?

Our current server infrastructure is the only limitation. We cannot expand and we currently don't plan too. Our funds are limited and we rely solely on donations and ads. There's the occasional mention of expanding our infrastructure to scale up beyond one server to multiple. It's a mere dream as this stage. (l)

... says:
Are these to include Stunt tracks, which are based on points and not on times... Is MX ready for, or will be in the near future, for this?

By default, the system was designed for the classic default map types (now titles). It won't happen any time soon, but it will.

In summary:
- Title pack leaderboards are a feature that will come, but won't be prioritised.
- ManiaExchange will evolve with the game. We will support as many new features as we can.
- There's still lots to do and always will be. Not everything can be done because we are limited by our infrastructure.
Deep fried
Location: AU
Very clear and straight forward answer forzyy... It`s highly appreciated ! Thank u very much ! (y)
Moped Racer
Location: PH
I understand a meta is the best solution. But i can see also the "unilimiter button" which is not a meta data ;)

I think it would be very useful for everybody if title packs could be clearly identified. Even if it is not possible to have a meta data...
Learner Driver
Forzyy says:
I don't trust user input, never have and never will. I will ask Nadeo to add new meta data to the map files that include the title pack name. Everyone in the community will greatly benefit from this. :)

meuh says:
I understand a meta is the best solution. But i can see also the "unilimiter button" which is not a meta data ;)
I think it would be very useful for everybody if title packs could be clearly identified. Even if it is not possible to have a meta data...

Maps and Replays that are stored inside a Title Pack already include a meta field with the name of the title:
Only autosave replays whose file names beginning with the Nickname doesn't include the TitleID. But there is no problem with autosave replays whose file names beginning with Autosave..
Last edited by Electron,
Learner Driver
Location: DE
Electron says:

Only autosave replays doesn't include the title ID any more from Maniaplanet Beta 1.3 (because of a bug?).

Have posted an inquire in MP forum for nadeo to priority to fix this.....
Moped Racer
Location: PH
Why does it took so long to find a good point system for nadeo's maps? The normal point system with an overall separate leaderboard is very ok I think... The problem can be just that we won't be able to compare some runs if some updates of maniaplanet will come :s
Learner Driver
Location: CH
Any new updates concerning the Nadeo leaderboard?
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
We've been offline for a week and I've mentioned nothing prior to then. So, no, nothing new to share. Sorry. :/
Deep fried
Location: AU
Sure, we understand that. But we've been waiting for about a year for the leaderboard to come, are there any problems implementing it to the site or what's the exact situation concerning it? The Nadeo leaderboard was an important part of TMX and it should also be a part of MX :)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
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