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Gamepad Preferences  
I'm looking to acquire a gamepad for use with Maniaplanet (I'm am doing so because I am under the belief it is the most adequate and exact method of input; if you disagree, please elaborate. This has been the main thing I have been missing, all other money went to a new graphics card and power supply) and, though there were topics about this back on TMUX, I sense preferences have changed.

So I'm looking to ask those who race with gamepads what they use and prefer. I have looked at just using an Xbox 360 controller (I don't currently own one), and I would really prefer a controller that has the second analog on the top left, like the Gamecube and Xbox 360 controllers. Though I have looked, I haven't found any controllers that are specifically dedicated to PC gaming with the analog as such.

I know the Xbox 360 controller has a USB port (and the specified analog layout), and would therefore be ideal for PC use, but because it is not dedicated to PC, I'm worried about compatibility issues with other games I may wish to play. I think there's a version of the controller specifically for windows, but I'm not sure if this is true. If you can configure the buttons like other PC pads, then this (compatibility) is of course not a problem. The other issue is that I, if I were to purchase an Xbox 360 controller, was going to buy a wireless one. Would this need an additional adapter? And if so, is it manufactured by Microsoft? I generally have a tad less trust in third party software than the original manufacturer.

Thanks in advance to anyone who may respond.
Moped Racer
Location: US
take a look on Logitech Chillstream.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
(can't edit posts, damn)

afaik, original xbox controller is pretty compatible with all games. tho nimrod had one small problem with assigning acceleration to back buttons: http://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/1316/problem-with-xbox-gamepad?page=-1
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
There are xbox controllers made for PC, I have one :)
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
Thanks for the the quick responses. ;)
I think I'm gonna go with the Xbox controller. I can't find the Chillstream for sale on the Logitech page, and there's only a single used one on Amazon. Figured out the other stuff in the process too, of course.
Moped Racer
Location: US
over some time i used a wireless xbox 360 pad which works fine BUT you will have to buy an additional adapter..
for the wireless side of the pad..mine as worked no problem for 4 years..

but now have gone to a wired one on my pc as i am using the wireless one on my xbox 360 "*note if you got turtle beach head phones and you using a wired pad on your 360" changed it to a wireless one instead...if you can hear a small buzzing noise from your xbox 360 headphones....this is because its picking up more power that it needs from the pad..

*= for readers on xbox360 and turtle beach users
Location: GB
I've heard, that the XBox controller for windows is only available with wire.
I have already played with it. One thing was really wrecking my nerves: the analog sticks are made of metal (plastic coated on top) and with every move they did squeak (is this the right english word? ...they made annoying sounds).

I have a 15€ Speedlink Pad (this is no recommendation!).
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Tried an xbox wireless pad half a year ago, but wasn't satisfied with it. The physical deadzone is too big.
Going to sell the full package soon (brb)
Moped Racer
Location: NO
Voyager006 says:
Tried an xbox wireless pad half a year ago, but wasn't satisfied with it. The physical deadzone is too big.
Going to sell the full package soon (brb)

You can change the deadzone yourself. I have the xbox controller (wired) but I dont think theres much difference between the wireless and the wired pad.

I'm very satisfied with my pad. The only problem is that I cant use the analog buttons (LT and RT), but thats not a big deal for me.
Does it djent?
Location: NO
According to what I ordered (I'm supposed to get it later today), it's a wireless windows controller. Yeah, squeak's the right word. I've never in truth actually played trackmania with a pad though, I've only used pads on consoles, so I don't believe I'll be that picky. I don't plan on using the analog buttons for gas (acceleration) though, and I thought that was the problem, plus, in the case mentioned, Nimrod was using a controller of Xbox origin, versus the windows version.
Last edited by Cxom,
Moped Racer
Location: US
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