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Jubilee anyone?
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Jubilee anyone?  
Hello, people

Just noticed this:

This here is the 18,001st post then.

I like how MX is developing but people sure could be a bit more active. It's sad that the community is split up into multiple games and the multiple exchanges now... but I hope that more people come over here for Valley.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
2,000 post later would have been more exciting, but yeah, I also noticed the community isn't that active yet, I guess thats because the game isn't that varied as United was
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
I think it becomes more and more in the next time, the project of maniaplanet is still in development. It will grow with Shootmania soon and later also with Valley and Questmania and therefore also mx will evolve. The more content maniaplanet gains the bigger the community gets... I hope at least.

Of course it's a different situation, when you start with 7 environments at once than starting with one environment and adding additional content about time. Anyway I think maniaplanet is a great and ambitious project, because the upcoming expansions keep motivating, you don't get bored so fast of the game, because there's always new stuff to explore. Further, imagine how much time would still be left until the release of trackmania 2, when nadeo made for example 3 envis and release it then as a complete game.

The reason why there aren't so many users right now is the episode-strategy of nadeo I guess, but anyway it's the best they can do and it's also exciting to see the project maniaplanet evolve and grow about time.
Last edited by XT kruemelyeti,
Moped Racer
Location: DE
20,000th post, hell yeah.
e/ or not... still 19,999 for some reason, tho it was so before I wrote this.
e2/ updated now ^^
Last edited by Space,
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Space says:
20,000th post, hell yeah.
e/ or not... still 19,999 for some reason, tho it was so before I wrote this.
e2/ updated now ^^

Congrats for the 20.000th post! ;) :d
Moped Racer
Location: DE
metoxys says:
people sure could be a bit more active.

You can only start with yourself.
gogo project perfection!
Site Leader
Location: US
kruemelyeti (108) says:
The reason why there aren't so many users right now is the episode-strategy of nadeo I guess

because the market strategy looks good on paper, doesn't mean it's going to work in the end. But because we only got 1 environment atm, not even with half of the game modes in tm history, MT editor is a downgrade from forever (imho the track editor is too). which is probably the main reasons why tmuf isn't going to be replaced by tm2 yet, thus the activeness on mx is low.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
eyebo (741) says:
metoxys says:
people sure could be a bit more active.

You can only start with yourself.
gogo Mission Perfect!

I apologize for letting real life be a higher priority :p
Next map's gonna be uploaded tomorrow after I get up.

Oh, and some applause on 20k posts eh!
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
well, 21,000th post after more than a month... it goes slower. also looking at the track uploading stats, it gets less and less active every month. calculated, in the end of the month we'll have just max ~1200 tracks.
Last edited by Space,
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
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