From the Mania Exchange Development forum on TMX United.
June 20, 2010
MrA says: We had this feature along time ago, but MrD canned it when we had to redesign the site to be more efficent (we were killing the shared server we were on at Jodo host)....
The idea of it was that TMX looks at the tracks you award, and looks at who else awarded them, and then from tracks which you havnt downloaded yet, which of those other people awarded most, so the list is individual to everyone.
It needs to be tailored a bit, to exclude hugely awarded authors, and to show tracks with less than say 10 awards (otherwise you get a list of tracks you know of).
We could perhaps bring this back, as the concept is really cool.
MrA says: I think also exclude tracks by authors already on your favourites list from appearing in the You Might Like List
-32- says: Yeah. I remember that.
I actually found alot of good tracks from it.
If we can get a better working version (old one was quite repetitive sometimes) it would be cool.
eyebo says: This sounds awesome!
insane says: This would be a splendid feature.
Is anyone familiar with the website Basically, they recommend new bands to you, based on what you've listened to in the past by installing a small tracker on your computer. The principle is the same as you suggested.
I could imagine this would work for TMX just as well.
Edit: And if the basic algorithm already exists, that's even better.
,,Januy says: Sure, works great
insane says: If these extra "Elements" get implemented, it could be used to refine the algorithm.
If a User mainly awards Transition maps, Transition maps should also be recommended with a priority.