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by  MrA at 05 Sep, 2013  
Next KO: Saturday 28th Sep 2013

Valley KO2 TimeAttack - Start Time: 9:30 GMT
Stadium KO1 Rounds - Start time: 19:30 GMT

Please cause Mikey more work by uploading your new KO maps!
Full details on how to submit maps are in Mikey's thread on the forum (first post)

Updated MX Windows
As you may have noticed, all of the front page track listings now have environment filters at the top right hand corner, letting you quickly see more tracks per environment in that window. If you don't see these, or the updater seems frozen, use Ctrl & F5 to refresh your browser.

PlayPal Online
Its still alive!, showcase your new track to other users by adding it as your PPO selection and then joining the PPO server to start building your karma value as you play other users own choices.

PPO Valley
PPO Stadium
PPO Canyon

Don't forget to return to MX to award the maps you like while you play.
The PPO page lists the ones you have just played for you!

Monthly Track Contest
This months theme is a curious one, its called Secrets : Your task is to build a track in which the player is prompted to discover something secret.

Read more about this months MTC in this post

Alcator says:
Deadline: Sunday, September 29th 30th 2013, 23:59:59 Pacific Time

I've no idea what that means either, roughly translated I'd guess the deadline is somewhere near the end of September this year!

The Return of the MSC!
The Monthly Screenshot Contest is back with an old theme that we truly loved - advertisements! And that's not all, we have an official copy of Valley to give away to the winner, so long as at least 15 people participate in the contest.

Read more about the MSC here!

Mania Exchange on Facebook!
We are finally trying to increase our profile at popular social media outlets. To begin with, please check out www.facebook.com/mxtrackmania... Those familiar with facebook will know what to do there I'm sure!

ESL Canyon Premiership
Your maps are needed for the first premiership for Canyon: ECP1
Read more about it here
The submission deadline here is 21st Sept

TM Interviews
Its been a great August for TM Interviews, if you missed them, check these out....

Interview with GanjaRider
Interview with Marius 89

I've no Idea if Wormi has more planned, but lets hope for more!

Finally - TMU still exists!
After the 2nd Knockout on a Saturday, don't forget there is invariably a TMU Knockout taking place at 21:30 GMT! - Why not make this your weekly return to Trackmania United!

I'm happy to announce that the Monthly Screenshot Contest is back with an old theme that we truly loved - advertisements! And that's not all: we have an official copy of Valley for the winner if at least 15 people participate!!

Hop in the thread and amaze us!
Please take a look at the new BOTW window on the front page...

Do you like it?

Let us know: http://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/view/2200

This means that the '1 track per author' rule applies to each individual environment view, as well as the usual view, so you can have a track for Canyon, Valley and Stadium, all at the same time!

Next KO: 31st Aug 2013

Stadium KO2 TimeAttack - Start Time: 9:30 GMT
Canyon KO1 Rounds - Start time: 19:30 GMT

Good Luck!
Hello everyone!

We're finally on Facebook and trying to become active there. Like our page for the latest news, track recommendations and more!

Next KO: 24th Aug 2013

Canyon KO1 Rounds - Start Time: 9:30 GMT
Canyon KO4 TimeAttack - Start time: 19:30 GMT

Sorry for late news, hope you we see you there!

Next KO: 17th Aug 2013

Canyon KO4 TimeAttack - Start Time: 9:30 GMT
Canyon KO3 Rounds - Start time: 19:30 GMT

Please pass on the news to anyone you think might enjoy the event!
Hopefully you have noticed the new site banners are in place.
They look rather splendid don't they?


If you can not see them, force your browser to refresh the page using usually Ctrl & F5

Thank you to Space for doing the contest, and to all the guys who made banners. Special credit to Elvestad for making these excellent winning entries.

Next Knockouts
Date: Saturday 10th August 2013

Canyon KO3 Rounds - Start Time: 9:30 GMT
Valley KO2 TimeAttack - Start time: 19:30 GMT

Please cause Mikey more work by uploading your maps in the next days
Full details on how to submit maps are in Mikey's thread on the forum (first post)
It's now possible for owners of the Shootmania Storm title to invite some friends to play Elite.
(or to get yourself invited if you have a buddy who owns that game)

The Elite mode can be so much more fun when you know the group who you play with. You can invite people on a daily play limit guest account, or a super guest account which cost 5000 planets (returned to you if they then buy the game)...

You can read all about how this will work on the Maniaplanet Blog, or by just clicking on the link in the newly designed Elite station. (Make the station full size to see the new look!).


We might as well take this opportunity to let our friends try out the game for free!
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