hello MX,
I lolig hereby present you my map built for the MTC of december 2014.
the theme was to build a map in wich you had to pass by a certain number of pre-placed signs on a base map. also they asked to give the track a Christmas feeling, so I tried to do everything needed to fit the rules.
well some may know what i'm doing the last couple of months. I'm building extreme maps with way to much blockmixing/objects dunno why but I love to overuse them.
so i'll tell you up in front: this map is pretty experimental
well I know there are a serval flickering spots from platform blocks mixed into the ground to make slides/ jumps/ landing etc.. well I tried to avoid em but it semed that this was impossible without blocking the route so I kept em.
This map was not really build to win but just for fun, and as a present to you all for the holidays comming up next
This is the first time ever that I do a give-away of planets so enjoy it:
I've hid 3 unique codes on the map. you may exchane 1 code per player for 500 planets.
how to exchange them: first off all you take a screenshot of your car with the code on the screen (MT will trigger the codes after 2 seconds, you can listen to a funny christmas song in the meanwhile)
send the screenshot with your code to me in a pm + your ingame name. than I'll give you the planets, and I'll update the track page to inform wich codes are found and wich aren't.
once a code is exchanged: if this happens no one else can exchange this code than!
Edit: quick hotfix for some locatorfiles and hopelly this time i fixed that cut as it should. it is still possible to take the cut-route as before but if you do you'll lose time since you have to slow down a lot.
edit2: New hotfix: added a cp (I know the cp is a bit hard to respawn but it was the only way to avoid the huge cut. if respawning keep as much left as you can on the 2 small ramps these will launch you back on the road ( yup this part exists only from objects thats why the cp is a bit hard to respawn.)
and added a small sign to hide flickering/ help you on the right way.
I hope you'll have fun on this map
and good luck on finding the 3 codes
edit: I've got you another present: the same map but with the valley car and one with the stadium car. the map works fine with all cars but every car gives you another experience and driving style.
are you bored of that canyon car? than be sure to try one of the other versions (I won't release them but I just post the maps as unreleased if you want to acces them than you have to click on the following links)
Bad Track/Map Link]
Bad Track/Map Link]