After the release of the original track ("Reverzie TrickSstar - Noob map from TMNF" I made as a child, I don't even know when originally.) I've grown to hate this track as it made no sense.
So to fix that, here's another nonsensical remix of a very old map of mine. Now featuring my often used and infamous freewheeling-checkpoint combo of blocks, and no silly quarterpipes in the way. Now it's a nascar-like easy very short track.
And this version is the "2020 Multilap".
Other tracks in this "miniseries":
Reverzie TrickSstar - Noob map from TMNF in 2020"
Reverzie TrickSstar - Noob map from TMNF (Platform StartFin)
Reverzie TrickSstar - Noob map from TMNF (Platform Multilap)