Another month, another theme for a monthly track contest that i just had to oblige to!
Welcome one and all, to a brand new valley map, this time taking the theme of the 2018 October edition of the MTC by never turning back towards the start, which is a lot trickier to build for than you might think! This track, being a bit of a mix of everything, designed to be varied and interesting despite its simplistic but challenging driving route. May the elderflowers be kind on your travels (and they also make for a nice drink, too!)
Coppers: 17,100
AuthorTime: 0:55.74
MT Intro/Ingame/Outro/Podium: -
Difficulty: 6/10
Custom BGM: Yes (link incase it doesnt automatically download)
"ironfeather" by Fuyuki Saena [MurasameUmbrella]
With all that said and done, I was slightly worried about this one being difficult for some players but I have done my best to make it more approachable, but still providing a challenge. and hopefully it'll remain fun enough for as many people as possible! Good luck, have fun and I shall see you all again soon!