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 Hunters - Akala

by  Sparkster  |  0
It's a start
AT   -31:-23.-648 |  Lagoon / LagoonCar   |   Beginner 
ID  241858 
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Update #1: Water is now off-zone
The next stop in the Alola-Pursuit is Akala. Enjoy my very first hunters map with items I used from ItemsExchange.

NOTE: In the Pursuit channel this map is played as a pursuit map. Keep that in mind.
 Embedded objects15 Objects
Object IX? Object author
DecoCityArenaBase.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaRamp.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaSlope2GTCurve2.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaSlope2GTCurve3.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaSlope2Start.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaSlope2Straight.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaSlope4End.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaSlope4Straight.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaLoopBowlStart.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaLoopHalfStart.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaLoopStartBase.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityArenaLoopWallCurve.Item.Gbx banjee»UD
DecoCityGardenTrCornerIn.Block.Gbx eyebo
DecoCityGardenTrCornerOut.Block.Gbx eyebo
DecoCityGardenTrStraight.Block.Gbx eyebo
 15 / 15 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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