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 Breach Point

by  fullhp  |  10
AT   01:32.378 |  Canyon / CanyonCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  135407 
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1st   01:28.478  Ne1ll 10 (100%)
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A small map which I wanted to give a short experimentel background story. English isn´t my main langugae so forgive me if you find some mistakes.


After the Karilla Rimworld Conflict has come to it´s end, the defeated star nation known as Allied Worlds was left as nothing else as a small chapter for the history books . The conquered planets have shown a serious lack of development and the victorious powers focused on expensive infrastructure projects. Something the citizens from the conquered worlds welcomed with open hands, leaving the remaining high ups from the old draconic government behind. As such, several planets were connected through new established trading routes with nearby star nations.

During the war, the Allied Worlds demonstrated with powerful weapon systems their technological superiority. If it wouldn´t have such a weak economy the war may had come to another outcome. Each victorious force recovered what was possible to claim but it was believed a huge chunk was still missing. During the decades datacenters and hidden bunkers revealed step by step clues about a system at the edge to the unsurveyed space. It was believed something important had to lay there as each piece of information showed signs of huge efforts to hide or destroy it.

At arrival of a small recon fleet in the system sensors showed a mysterious power surge which vanished almost as fast as it appeared. It´s source seemed to be on a deserted planet in the habitable region of the star system. A deployed satellite grid mapped each inch of the planets surface. Abandoned and interconnected structures were found spreading around the planets desert. Upon investigations they seemed to have no further usage, being just useless ferroconcrete structures. But further scans revealed an underground network with a size not even the best architect from the known worlds could have dreamed about. Now everyone involved in the mission could imagine where the Allied Worlds had their research facilities. They basically were standing on them, only departed by thousand of meters of rocks and sand. Earthquakes seemed to be very common in this desert which somehow didn´t affected the enormous underground structure. To everyone´s surprise intact access points couldn´t been found. Months passed without any form of significant progress. Almost like what was laying there was hiding from the discoverers.

Recovered data sets were viewed again. This time merged with the collected informations from the planet. And under careful eyes a specific location could be found laying in the hottest part of the desert. A wide two lane highway probably used for supplies was still intact, reaching up to the very center of the facility site. While a small scout team was sent on it´s way more data rows were investigated. Within hours a single phrase stood out from all the others. Frequently used like it was the major reason this specific site existed. But unless there is no entrance found, nobody would figure out what laid behind the code word “Breach Point”.
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