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Read Post 8:53 PM on 10-Jul-2020
Hey Phantom, the update might come out just before August. We're finishing up some details at the moment. I'll come back to you as soon it is.
Read Post 8:38 PM on 10-Jul-2020
Hi Ozon :-) Some news ?
Read Post 12:49 PM on 10-Jul-2020
Thank you :) GJ (Y) I removed all links to fixed maps from my posts.
Read Post 12:05 PM on 10-Jul-2020
These have been fixed (I'll do more when I get time): https://tm.mania-exchange.com/tracks/9095/ademix-v1 Updated broken blockmixing near the finish https://tm.mania-exchange.com/tracks/8962/ak-dark-amp-light Map still finishable, but start j...
Read Post 1:05 AM on 10-Jul-2020
 Zat The Alien
Hey Zat, I think I found the issue. Sadly, you'll have to wait until the MX update comes out. Can take a few weeks. Ok well done man.... :award: Thank you very much for looking into this. :)
Read Post 9:40 PM on 09-Jul-2020
Hey Zat, I think I found the issue. Sadly, you'll have to wait until the MX update comes out. Can take a few weeks.
Read Post 2:56 AM on 09-Jul-2020
Apparently someone just signed up and had the same error i have. Could it come from a validation mail that never arrived? Edit: On accounts subdomaine there's a link to get the activation mail again but when i try i've the error "Object reference no...
Read Post 8:37 PM on 08-Jul-2020
 Zat The Alien
This file also has the same problem.This has been on my page for a year.I can also not upload replays for these races, if I try I get the , The specified string length exceeds the specified maximum string length, message in red. https://tm.mania-exc...
Read Post 8:09 PM on 08-Jul-2020
 Zat The Alien
I will try and send it as soon as i can , send firefox com is down at the moment ,there is a message up I just checked. Can you download it from my page ? I cannot change or update the text on this page, I just get the error message.Unexpected...
Read Post 7:52 PM on 08-Jul-2020
Hey Zat, any chance you could send me the file? Discord (Ozon#0359) or through send.firefox.com.
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