I'm a bit disappointed that this car never made it to the game...
... but the new car looks interesting still :P Kinda like a modern Bay car =P
TM Tube
Anyway, I guess you got it resolved. I saw you in-game. :P
Yes, I only play in the channels, I've also saw you. :)
Actually, can you just upload it again to a new map page.... and we'll move the file over to your old map page. ;)
Either way works.
Thanks for the report. Can you link the map to us via dropbox or something?
Hans Holo
I've uploaded a MP4-update of this track:
The MP3-flag disappeared and everything looked good.
Now the "This track was created with ManiaPlanet 3. It's likely it won't loa...
You can also change mood without it affecting the UID. :) I have a feeling we're going to be testing just how much we can change without the UID being affected. :P
Hans Holo
A problem that never existed: solved! :$
I've deleted the music on my tracks and updated them on MX. Everything's fine. (Y)
Thx again ;)
Tried a bunch of my old tracks now and all works like a charm.
I honestly feel like the physics are pretty much the same they've always been.
Maybe a bit slower to adjust in the air?
Graphics seems fine to me.
Not had any weird blockbugs in the e...
Stadium isn't my primary environment, so I'm not going to address most of the stuff you've written about, except the graphics quality.
The graphics in your screenshot look terrible, no doubt about that. But it looks like you have antialiasing turn...
I just played for a bit. The sound is so awful now. Why did they change anything lmao? Everything sounds drowned out. And the seagull noises, Jesus.
The new blocks they've added are absolutely nonsensical and add nothing. Before anyone scoffs at m...