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Thoughts about Oculus Rift and co.
Thoughts about Oculus Rift and co. 08 Jun, 2014
 kata78 (3 comments, 990 views)  
You don't know what Oculus Rift is ? Take a look here :
Youtube Video OR

And a forum entry:
Forum OR Support

Virtual Reality will become Reality soon ;)

And i really hope that trackmania will be compatible. Imagine it as if you are really IN the car, looking
around, i really think it could be amazing...

Well the cons are:
1.) Heavy Glasses. Of course "OculusRift" is still in development .. the DevKit 2 hast a weight of 0.97 lbs (without cable) thats about 500 g or half a kilo so i think you can't wear it long..
2.) Seasickness or simulator sickness ... thats a thing many people will have, but as the developers say, they will
handle these symtomps for most players

Well I have a beamer with a 2 meter picture and playing too long in fullscreen makes me sick too ;) ;)

You still can play an hour or so with the glasses and then switch back to monitor...

What do you think about virtual reality? Will it be a reality soon? Will it change of how games are played?

3 comment(s).
 MrA writes ... 12, Jun, 2014  
I have yet to try it, but I read on MP forums that MP is compatable with Oculus.... to that end I have pre-ordered a DK2 (development kit 2) from them, if I succeed in getting it to work then I can surely post something about it

:wait: :wait: :wait: :wait: Pre orders not expected to ship until August!
 wormi writes ... 08, Jun, 2014  
I've tried Oculus Rift at local technology store. Really interesting tool, but man it makes your head hurt :d
I don't feel bad on rollercoasters etc but that one just makes you feel like in a faint. Really fun tool though, imagine the possibilities in games!
 Nesrally writes ... 08, Jun, 2014  
Interesting... It works already according to this; https://developer.oculusvr.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=1839&sid=b5b4e2992e026cf230ca7f0b7372704a&start=20
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