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Who would you like me to interview?
Who would you like me to interview? 08 Aug, 2013
 wormi (20 comments, 2250 views)  

Hello MX! As you can see I published the interview with wally today, and another interview will hopefully come during this month still. However, I have a question to you: who would you like to see being interviewed? My goal is to collect interviews with as many different kind of players as possible, and fresh ideas are now welcome.

I must say that I haven't interviewed any pro fullspeed specialist yet, nor any trial/RPG expert - or not any movie makers either. I already know some guys who would fit in my queue really well, but I want to hear your opinion! Remember that I can't fulfill your wishes totally, but they can give me ideas, and lead me to the next areas!

Waiting your comments! :)
20 comment(s).
 wormi writes ... 09, Aug, 2013  
@tcq: I have an interview with Linso already :) Click the "read more about project here" -link of some interview to see full list, the blog visibility is limited on the left.
 Space writes ... 09, Aug, 2013  
pascow please. or me.
 tcq writes ... 09, Aug, 2013  
Insomnia as being the ET administrator :)
 mgafMUAT writes ... 09, Aug, 2013  
from 1 to 10, how difficult would be to interview eyebo???
 Sky.wp writes ... 08, Aug, 2013  
Morte_745, rad or pascow would be interesting ;)
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