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Planet Competitions
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Some planets for you
which will be hard earned ;)

:gold: 1. 7500 (y)
:silver: 2. 5000 :done:
:bronze: 3. 3500 :wait: ;)

Location: DE
I've uploaded my own replay today.
A faster one than teh validation time. ;)

It does NOT count for the competition.

Feel the rhythm of the track (l) ;)

Last edited by |[X-v]|Slow,
Location: DE


Planets for top10 will be distributed as well, deadline is set to the 27th of March, 23:59 CEST.
Good luck!
Learner Driver
It's not much, but you can win up to 1,000 planets in my experimental competition. Drive on all ten of this month's MTC maps and post your times! More info here: https://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/4340/droppin-time-planets-competition?page=1

Good luck and have fun!
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US

Snake55Wildcat and me decided to offer some planets for the best replays and a bounty for the first person to beat the author time on our newly released duo-track:
:gold: 1000 Planets for 1st place
:silver: 500 Planets for 2nd place
:bronze: 250 Planets for 3rd place
+ :award: 1000 Planets for the first person to beat the AT (43.62s)
Deadline for submitting replays is the 7th of May 2017, cuts are not allowed. To claim your prize, please message either Snake or me at the end of the deadline (or after uploading your replay if you're the first to beat the author time)
Buffer Overflow
Location: DE
Last week I tried hosting a driving competition on the MTC maps of the month. I've changed the format a bit and want to give it a second try, so take a look and see if you can win some planets: https://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/4348/en-route-planets-competitions?page=1
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
serenity by   juvo

Play this map and be eligible to win planets! Send your replays here on ManiaExchange! Feel like playing? You have until the 22nd of May!
I'll contact you through a PM on ManiaExchange (or through other methods if I know them) if you've won something!

1st place: 5000 planets
2nd place: 2500 planets
3rd place: 1250 planets
4th place: 750 planets
5th place: 350 planets
6th place: 150 planets
7th place: 100 planets
8th place: 80 planets
9th place: 50 planets
10 place: 20 planets
11-25 place: 10 planets
Last edited by juvo,
Learner Driver
Location: NL

Little Contest for all Friends and Fans

Deadline: :done:

xp-rabit = 2000 Planets
Flighthigh = 1000 Planets


Last edited by Mr.DVD,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
Planet Competitons  
Hi ManiaExchange !!
Hello everybody !! ;)
I porpose today a small competition ( 1600 Planets Cashprises)

1 :gold: ) 750 Planets
2 :silver: ) 500 Planets
3 :bronze: ) 300 Planets
4) 50 Planets

Provisional ranking:
1st :   jackino
2nd :   OLDA_X
3rd : :wait:

Deadline : 13/12/17

Please send replay on :

Good luck !

Please support this competition and please donate some Planets

Last edited by Akiliyh,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FR
Planets competition: Deadline 21st January 2018  
Just upload a replay before the deadline and if you're in the Top10 after the deadline passes you'll receive some planets.

Deadline Sunday 21st January 2018 at around 23.59 CET

1st: 7500 planets
2nd: 5000 p
3rd: 3000 p
4th: 2000 p
5th: 1500 p
6th: 1000 p
7th: 750 p
8th: 500 p
9th: 250 p
10th: 150 p

Additionally, the first 7 to upload a replay faster than 47.000s will get 1000 planets on top of that. (If I can manage a 47.32 you FS guys should get that easily)

Moped Racer
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