United States Red Virus

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I enjoy creating tracks in my spare time. This is a hobby of mine that has kept me entertained when things get slow. I don't create tracks to compete with other players tracks either. With my tracks, I have found that players like them or they don't.

A little bit about me now. I am not a teenager, I am in my early 50's. I have been gaming before many of you were born. I was playing "Pong" on an Atari 2400 back when the game was being sold in stores. I have played many games over my years, going back 40+ years now.

The group that I hangout with on my Discord has players of all ages and from all over the world. Language is not an issue because we all speak the language of gaming. If you want to hang out and have fun or if you need help with building tracks, visit us on our Discord or our Facebook page @:


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