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Have fun with the Map! Please award the map if you liked it.
Map Information
Map Times
Type Race Map Type Race
Environment Valley Titlepack TMValley
Vehicle ValleyCar Game ManiaPlanet
Routes Single
Mood Sunset (48x48) Base Size X: 48 Y: 40 Z: 48
In-game Name Carpathia
Display Cost 6,010
File & Items Size 566 / 0 KB
Map records updated instantly.
Score Leaderboard points gained, based on Map value and proximity to current WR
Penalty - only relevant to time for Platform maps
00:10.00 Replay is invalid & driven on a different version of the map
Author Comments
UPDATE - December 28, 2017: Updated some broken signs that was pointing the wrong direction after the ManiaPlanet 4 update. Thanks to peiks for the heads up about wayfind problems on this one which prompted me to check for signs.


The other day I had the idea to make a 10x10 track in Valley and see how much I could fit into the 10x10 space. The track kind of started out as an easy trial track, and then it ended up getting more techy, and I don't even know what it turned out to be. For the most part I stayed inside the 10x10 space.

Here's a couple screenshots showing an overview of the map:
Carpathia Overview 1
Carpathia Overview 2

I've spent several days building and refining it, and I'm quite happy with how it turned out. I hope you enjoy driving it too!

A big thanks to my beta testers: compositional, pfm, chuckie, Willow, BushMonkey, basbaas.

Sometimes beta testers just give you a pat on the back and reassure you that it's good enough to release. Not this time. compositional recorded a commentary while driving the track in order to give some very thorough feedback about each section. pfm was hard hitting in his critique of the openness of the layout and how confusing it might be for some drivers. chuckie and BushMonkey shared their first run replays which helped me see areas that could be finetuned for better wayfind. Willow and basbaas were very helpful in their feedback as well. Truly, this track wouldn't be what it is without the time these guys took. Thanks!!!

If any of my recent tracks should have a GPS, it's probably this one. Alas, I didn't add one. If you really have a problem in some area, feel free to download my replay and watch it. But I think if you follow the route, you shouldn't run into any major problems.

AT: 3:58.45 (YouTube)

Replays appreciated!


If you've driven Carpathia, I guess you've discovered that there is no dirt in the track at all. So, for a fun endurance track that's mostly on dirt, head over to this track and give it a drive:

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