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Ordered by replay
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Ordered by replay  
I am a little confused by the order by replay sorting order.

If I want to see the newest records first I need to sort by :
Showing tracks with replays by ohei2, ordered by Replay Uploaded (Oldest)

On TMX it is the other way round, i.e. a descending sorting order.

Is this supposed the be like that or did someone just mix up greater than and lesser than in the sorting formulas?

Be as you wish to seem.
Location: DE
I don't see any problem here? Oldest sorts them by upload date descending, whereas newest is ascending. What part are you confused about?
Deep fried
Location: AU
What am I confused about?

a) It's the opposite to how it works on TMX.
b) If I sort by 'replay newest' I do so to see which of my replays actually are newest and not because I want to have my oldest in first place and the newest on the last page.

P.S.: I uploaded all my saved replays on Sarturday, thus I know I started with 'First Flush' and ended with '[ PF ]SuperNaturaL²'. Otherwise I would probably not have noticed.
Last edited by ohei2,
Be as you wish to seem.
Location: DE
I'm with ohei2 on this one. Intuitively when you choose "Replay Uploaded (Oldest)" you are clicking that option so that you see the oldest at the top.

If you want to see "Replay Uploaded (Newest)" I'm assuming it will show me my newest replays at the top.

Right now it just feels backwards from what it should be on an intuitive level. At least to me.... and ohei2 apparently. :p
Site Leader
Location: US
I'm sorry, but it looks correct. My replays are ordered correctly.
Deep fried
Location: AU
In this screenshot, "EvenYouBrutus?" is the first track I submitted a replay on.

How is this correct? I see "newest" and assume I'm going to see my newest replays when I click it. After I've posted 1000s of replays, I don't want to be clicking "Oldest" so that my newest replays are on the first page.

Is it just showing different for me? Or are we seeing this totally different?
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
Ok. There was a bug. :$
Deep fried
Location: AU
Ah k :d I'm relieved.
Site Leader
Location: US
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