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I have to admit, that it feels like that for me too :/
Moped Racer
Location: CH
I think players are frustrated by replay system not only because they don't have it, but also because we do not have the slightest clue about when it'll come, hence the birth of numerous topics about it.
Learner Driver
Location: FR
yeah sure, if you guys can do it better, go ahead ...
I bet none of you is able to do so

you guys should be happy that we have another cool site again
keep in mind:

:@ *rage mode ON* :@
did you made this site? you didn't
did you take care of all the features we already have here? you didn't
are you hosting the site server? you don't
do you fix bugs that people discover? you don't
do the coders have a real life? THEY HAVE !!!!

so for god sake, can't ya'll stop whining about not having the ability to post replays !!!
hence, think about the fact that without the crew, you wouldn't even be able to drive all these tracks !!!
:@ *rage mode OFF* :@
Last edited by peteypablo7,
You just lost the game ...
Location: BE
no matter if we can do smth like this or not, gregn8 is still right.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
No offense Petey, but 99% of us aren't coders capable of working on this site ;) So technically, your rage is aimed at yourself as well..

That said, I also don't understand why certain features would have a priority on something as big and important to this site as being able to upload replays. Hope to see it soon.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NL
you guys miss my point
the point is that FF also has his own life besides MX
and patience doesn't hurt, does it?
You just lost the game ...
Location: BE
but is to so hard to tell an approximate date of releasing that feauture? at least a month.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
It's being worked on. It'll come when it's ready, not sooner, not later. I don't know the date, or month. Maybe Forzyy can give you some kind of a guess...

I'd like to remind you people of the MX Crew's salary, which is 0$. The reason why Forzyy and us others keep working here is that we want to give you the best possible tracksharing experience you can have. We never promised that the replay system would come at the launch of the site. Don't act like we did.
Back in action!
Location: FI
Well, i don't think that people here is complaining about the crew work, but we are all waiting for the most important thing (after the track-upload feature ofc) of the whole site.

All the players that doesn't play for the multiplayer ladder, are waiting for this as an alternative target to enjoy the game!
Acutally is nice to play a map online, but after that the whole fun stops.
Beeing able to upload replays on the "biggest track sharing site", is a way to spend our time, while playing the game, without getting bored.

I hope you understand what i mean...

I know that the crew doesn't get a salary for his work, but i/we are just impatient to see this feature.

Maybe the function is still too far to give an aproximate release date? :)
Moped Racer
Location: CH
I'm so tired of people posting the same 3 things about the replay system. Labeling it with any amount of importance is not going to expedite its arrival in the least. In fact, posting anything about it is futile.
Last edited by Bucky,
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
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